自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,武汉病毒研究所成为了公众关注的焦点,更有阴谋论者将矛头指向了这一机构。 近日,CGTN记者独家探访武汉病毒研究所。在工作人员的带领下,记者在外围环廊参观了安全级别最高的P4实验室。 The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been at the center of COVID-19 speculation across the world. Some of the theories say that the coronavirus originated from its lab and that its researchers secretly sold experimental animals in the wet market. CGTN visits the institute's top-level biosafety lab and talks to a senior official there who has dismissed the accusations. 参观过程中,武汉国家生物安全实验室主任袁志明表示:“没有得到许可,一只蚊子都飞不进去,没有得到许可,一个科研人员连实验室的一滴水、一张纸片都拿不出来。” 他还提到,实验室一直在合法、合规安全地运行,没有发生过病原泄露和任何人员感染等情况。