曾一度宣称允许华为“有限度”加入英国5G网络建设的英国政府,日前却突然改口,表示最快会在今年年内将华为设备和技术排除出去。 《每日电讯报》称,英国政府已着手草拟提案,建议6个月内逐步停止在5G网络建设中使用华为设备,同时加快拆除已经安装好的华为设备。英国政府通信总部认为使用华为的技术和设备存在“安全风险”。 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊近日接受采访时也改口,称不希望国家重要的基础设施受制于“潜在敌对国家的供应商”,因此在华为问题上将更加谨慎行事。 此次英国政府态度出现“根本性变化”的主要原因与美国日前对华为采取的抵制措施密切相关。除此之外,香港国安法的正式颁布也让不少英国政客试图通过抵制华为释放政治信号。 The British government announced in January its new plans to safeguard the country's telecoms network, which is widely seen as approving a restricted role for Huawei in helping build the country's 5G network. But the British government is reviewing the impact of the U.S. restrictions on Huawei and will make a statement regarding the issue later this month, according to local media. In Sunday's statement, Victor Zhang, vice president of Huawei, said: "We believe it is too early to determine the impact of the proposed restrictions, which are not about security, but about market position." "All our world-leading products and solutions use technology and components over which the UK government has strict oversight. Our technology is already extensively used in 5G networks across the country and has helped connect people throughout lockdown," said Zhang. The British government announced in January its new plans to safeguard the country's telecoms network, which is widely seen as approving a restricted role for Huawei in helping build the country's 5G network. 随着美国对华为“制裁”持续升级,不仅英国改变了口径,释放抵制信号,法国也紧随其后,收紧了对华为的限制。 法国网络安全局负责人普帕尔在接受采访时表示,虽然不会完全禁用华为设备,但会敦促国内运营商避免改用该公司设备。 The head of the French cybersecurity agency French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) said there would not be a total ban on using equipment from Huawei in the rollout of the French 5G telecoms network, but that it was pushing French telcos to avoid switching to the Chinese company. "What I can say is that there won't be a total ban," Guillaume Poupard told Les Echos newspaper in an interview. "(But) for operators that are not currently using Huawei, we are inciting them not to go for it." Sources told Reuters in March that France would not ban Huawei but would seek to keep it out of the core mobile network, which carries higher surveillance risks because it processes sensitive information such as customers' personal data. 对此,外交部发言人赵立坚在7月6日的例行记者会上表示,“希望法方能够秉持客观公正态度,尊重市场规律和企业意愿,独立自主作出符合自身利益的选择,以实际行动为包括中国企业在内的各国企业提供开放、公平、公正、非歧视的营商环境。” 实际上,美国政府一直以信息安全为由呼吁盟友将华为排除在5G网络通信建设之外。6月30日,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)更将华为和中兴认定为“国家安全威胁”。 华为否认了相关指控,认为FCC的此次决定没有证据,仅基于片面的信息及对中国法律的错误解读,不仅违反了立法的正当程序原则,也涉嫌违法。 外交部发言人赵立坚在7月1日的例行记者会上也曾作出回应,称美方这种经济霸凌行径是公然对美方自己一贯标榜的市场经济原则的否定。禁止美国运营商购买华为和中兴设备,并不能真正改善美国的网络安全状况,反而会对美国农村和欠发达地区的网络服务产生严重影响。 The U.S. government has urged its allies to exclude the Chinese telecoms giant from the West's next-generation communications, saying Beijing could use it for spying. The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced that it will impose new restrictions on Huawei's acquisition of semiconductors that are the direct product of certain U.S. software and technology. Huawei said in a previous statement that it "categorically opposes the amendments made by the U.S. Department of Commerce to its foreign direct product rule that target Huawei specifically."