

CGTN CGTN 2021-02-14

Hospital data on coronavirus patients will now be sent to Trump administration instead of first being sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed to CNN on July 15. 

Critics think that this transfer could make data less transparent to the public at a time when the Trump administration is accused of manipulating data during the pandemic and undermining public trust in medical data.

美国法律学者、哈佛大学教授Laurence Tribe发布推特称,接受数据的公司Teletracking和卫生与公众服务部均为特朗普的亿万富翁盟友所拥有,医院管理者们应该提出异议。

Harvard University professor Laurence Tribe twitted: "As of today, hospitals are directed by the Trump administration to report Covid data not to CDC but solely to Teletracking and HHS Protect, both owned by billionaire Trump allies. Dictators control information ….” 

美国律师、检察官Joyce Alene发布推特称,特朗普绕过疾控中心的举动只能表明他希望在大选前模糊有关住院和死亡的数据,他总是试图掩盖对他不利的真相。

Trump's move to bypass CDC can only signal a desire to obscure the data on hospitalization & deaths ahead of the election. There’s no other reason to cut CDC out of the loop. Trump always tries to hide the truth when it's bad for him, from tax returns to classified servers. 






The new instructions were posted recently on a little-noticed side-bar on the HHS website. From now on, the department – not the CDC – will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating and the available beds and ventilators, and other vital information which track the pandemic.

However, the HHS database that receives new information is not open to the public, such non-transparent would affect medical researchers who rely on CDC data to make decisions.

“Historically, CDC has been the place where public health data has been sent, and this raises questions about not just access for researchers but access for reporters, access for the public to try to better understand what is happening with the outbreak," said Jen Kates, the director of global health and HIV policy with the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.




HHS spokesman Michael Caputo called the CDC’s system inadequate and said the two systems would be linked. The CDC would continue to make data public, he said.

“Today, the CDC still has at least a week lag in reporting hospital data,” Caputo said. “America requires it in real-time. The new, faster, and complete data system is what our nation needs to defeat the coronavirus, and the CDC, an operating division of HHS, will certainly participate in this streamlined all-of-government response. They will simply no longer control it.”

But the health department's explanation has not been accepted, and several public health experts have criticized Trump's administration's "marginalization" of the CDC.







The Trump administration's "take-over" of epidemic data is seen not only as another attempt to bypass the CDC, but also as its latest attempt to "marginalize" public health experts. 

On July 15, White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro publicly criticized Anthony Fauci, American physician and immunologist, for misleading in fighting the pandemic.

The White House, recently alleged of feeding the local media with material against Fauci, has chosen to distance itself from Navaro’s piece even before the USA Today’s editorial note, by claiming that it didn’t sign off the article. 

Facing intense criticism on social media, USA Today has admitted errors in an opinion piece written by the White House trade adviser, as such piece did not meet the publication’s fact-checking standards.

Trump also said that Navarro “made a statement representing himself.” He added, “He shouldn’t be doing that.”





