I tried to live-stream a lecture, but the system froze and crashed so many times that I gave up. After that, I avoided video. Every week, I prepared low-resolution photographs, maps, and documents to share onscreen, and my students and I communicated through audio and text.
Every gate to the university had been equipped with facial-recognition scanners, which were calibrated for face coverings.
It contained some tools that the university had provided for my return to the classroom: five surgical masks, a pair of rubber gloves, a box of Opula alcohol prep pads.
Each day, my daughters had their temperature taken at least five times. This routine began at 6:30 a.m., when the class's WeChat parent group engaged in something called Jielong, or "Connect the Dragon.” One parent would start the hashtag #Jielong, and list her child’s name, student number, temperature in Celsius, and the words "Body is healthy."
Neighborhood crews went door to door, giving out information, questioning residents to see if they had been to high-risk areas, and helping with contact tracing.
一位上海的流行病学专家曾在美国工作多年。当我问他美国人是否可以从中国学到一些实际经验时,他认为是社区参与。“在美国没有居委会这样的机构,但是设立类似的机构其实很重要。” 这位专家还指出,如果美国在这一方面给予资金支持,那么就可以在疫情中提供相应的公共卫生服务。
The Chinese epidemiologist in Shanghai had also worked for many years in the U.S., and I asked if there was anything that Americans could realistically learn from China. “Community engagement,” he said immediately. “We don’t have the neighborhood-committee structure in the U.S., but it’s important to find some alternative.” He noted that public-health services might have served this purpose if the American system had been properly funded.
美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学健康安全中心的流行病学家詹妮弗·纳佐(Jennifer Nuzzo)指出,美国没能做好病例密切接触者的追踪。“我们研究了2019年美国麻疹的暴发,发现相关机构很少追踪病例密切接触者”,她说道。
Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told me that contact tracing is something of a lost art in the U.S. “We did a study of the measles outbreak in 2019, and they were doing minimal contact tracing,” she said.
The American response often appears passive—even enlightened citizens seem to believe that obeying lockdown orders and wearing masks in public is enough. But any attempt to control the virus requires active, organized effort, and there needs to be strong institutional direction.
I tried to convey the idea that the current American failure doesn’t narrowly reflect national character or values but, rather, a collapse of system: a crisis of leadership and institutional structures.
The flailing American leadership seems more interested in finding scapegoats, sometimes with a racial tinge—the Kung Flu and the China Virus.