据市场研究公司Sensor Tower的统计数据,在美国总统特朗普威胁要禁用微信之后,腾讯旗下的微信和QQ两款应用软件在美国的下载量激增。 美国用户都希望赶在微信从各大应用商店下架前安装妥当,他们同时也转向了QQ,因为特朗普的禁令并未明确覆盖到这款应用。 数据显示,微信最近6天在美国的平均下载量比上周四禁令宣布前一周高出41%,而QQ的下载量在过去一周内增长了两倍。 More users in the United States downloaded chat app WeChat and another Tencent-owned chat app, QQ, after President Donald Trump threatened to ban WeChat, according to Sensor Tower data on Thursday. WeChat users in the U.S. rushed to install the app before it could disappear from the app stores. They have also turned to QQ, as the ban did not specifically cover this product. In the U.S., WeChat app downloads in the U.S. rose by 41 percent in a six-day average from the week prior to the U.S. ban announced last Thursday, and QQ downloads have tripled in the past week, according to data from Sensor Tower.
一些华人担心禁用微信会切断他们与国内亲友的联系。 美国政府在9月中旬如何禁用微信目前尚不清楚。它可以要求苹果和谷歌从应用商店中移除微信,或者要求微信停止向美国用户提供访问或更新。 部分用户表示,他们计划通过VPN在美国使用微信。 Some Chinese immigrants and expats worry losing access to the popular WeChat could cut off contact with family and friends in China. It was unclear how the administration could implement the ban on WeChat in mid-September. It could order Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google to remove WeChat from their app store, or order the apps to stop offering access or updates to U.S. users. Some users said they planned to access WeChat in the U.S. using a virtual private network (VPN).
微博上的一项调查显示,在120万名参与调查的人中,约95%的人都表示,如果iPhone不支持微信,他们将换用安卓智能手机。 Apple will be put into a very difficult situation if it is forced to remove WeChat from its App Store. According to a survey on China's Twitter-like social media platform Weibo, about 95 percent of 1.2 million people that responded said they would switch to an Android smartphone over an iPhone rather than give up WeChat if it were banned. 苹果公司花了数年时间将中国打造成一个440亿美元的增长引擎。在2020年第二季度,苹果中国市场的营收在其总营收中占比超过15%。 香港天风国际证券分析师郭明池(Kuo Ming-chi)在其最新报告中预测,若苹果被迫将微信从其全球应用商店移除,iPhone的全球年出货量或将下降25%-30%。此外,包括 AirPods、iPad、苹果手表和Mac电脑在内的苹果其他硬件也会受到影响,年出货量可能会下降15%-25%。 Apple has spent years building China into a 44 billion U.S. dollars growth driver. In the second quarter of 2020, the company's revenue from the Chinese market accounted for over 15 percent of its total. In his latest report, TF International Securities analyst Kuo Ming-chi estimated that global iPhone shipments could drop by 25 to 30 percent if Apple is forced to remove WeChat from its global app store. Besides, the annual shipments of other Apple hardware devices, including AirPods, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac, will be revised down by 15 to 25 percent.
据美国《华尔街日报》报道,当地时间11日,十多家美国大型企业与白宫官员进行通话,对特朗普计划“封杀”微信的举措表示担忧。 这些公司表示,特朗普政府这一行政令可能会削弱公司在中国的竞争力。该行政令禁止美国公司与微信进行任何商业交易。 据悉,苹果、福特汽车、沃尔玛和迪士尼等企业均参加了此次电话会议。其他与会者还包括宝洁、英特尔、大都会人寿、高盛集团、摩根士丹利、联合包裹运送服务公司、默克公司和嘉吉公司。 Over a dozen major U.S. international business executives joined in a call with White House officials on Tuesday to raise their concerns about President Donald Trump's planned restrictions targeting the WeChat app from China's Tencent Holdings Ltd., according to a Wall Street Journal report. Apple Inc., Ford Motor Co., Walmart Inc., and Walt Disney Co. were among those represented in the call in which they expressed their anxiety that competitiveness in China may be undermined by the order. As planned, the new presidential executive order will take effect next month, banning U.S. companies from "any transaction that is related to WeChat." Other participants in the call included Procter & Gamble Co, Intel Corp, MetLife Inc, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Morgan Stanley, United Parcel Service Inc, Merck & Co Inc and Cargill Inc. 2019年,中国游客在美国旧金山湾区消费超过13亿美元(约合人民币90亿元)。微信凭借其支付功能,在其中发挥了很大作用。 旧金山市全球办公室执行董事赵翠薇表示,他们之前曾与微信合作过。该办公室致力于招商引资,尤其是吸引中国投资,赵翠薇担心跨境投资会中断。她还指出,对美国来说不幸的是,许多中国投资可能会流向欧洲。 In 2019, Chinese visitors spent more than 1.3 billion dollars visiting the San Francisco Bay Area. For many of them, WeChat, with its ability to make payments, played a valuable role. "We have worked with WeChat in the past to identify opportunities to work with restaurants that can get set up. WeChat actually recently started a series where they are working with Napa Valley to promote business there and promote tourism," said Darlene Chiu Bryant, executive director of GlobalSF. Bryant also cautioned against a disruption in cross-border investment, as her company helps bring in investment from around the world, especially China. "Seeing Chinese investment go through the door, I think it is definitely going to slow down, and they are definitely going to think twice, and I think unfortunately for America, that a lot of the investment may actually go to Europe instead.” 推荐阅读:要失联了?特朗普签行政令禁TikTok、微信 CGTN评论漫画丨抖音微信:被绑架的“新娘” A forced marriage