Hubei last month announced it would open its key scenic spots to domestic visitors free of charge until the end of 2020, aiming to revive the province's virus-hit tourism industry. 大家看到这个消息是否也为之心动,做好在小长假期间畅游湖北省的准备了吗?武汉九省通衢,尽得地利,其文化底蕴又极其深厚,旅游资源丰富,山水名胜与文物古迹二者兼备,是中国优秀的旅游城市之一。坐落在长江南岸、蛇山之巅的黄鹤楼更是武汉的必到之地。
The iconic tower is perched on Snake Hill by the Yangtze River. /CFP据相关考证,黄鹤楼始建于三国时期,至今有1800年历史,期间屡次被毁,屡次重建,现存的黄鹤楼于1985年建成。黄鹤楼屹立长江之边,高居蛇山之巅,是中国四大高塔之一,江南三大名楼之首。千百年来,白云环绕其上,滚滚江水自脚下东流而去。它如诗如画,魅力久经不衰,自古以来,无数名家为之题诗作对,留下众多千古绝唱。
Perched on Snake Hill beside the Yangtze River, the 1,800-year-old tower often appeared in ancient Chinese literary works and is one of the Four Great Towers in China. It has been destroyed and rebuilt many times in its long history, and was most recently renovated in 1985.The ancient building is among the major tourist attractions in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, that have scrapped tickets for domestic visitors as a token of gratitude for nationwide assistance during the city's fight with COVID-19.为迎接今年国庆、中秋双节假期,国家5A级景区、武汉城市地标黄鹤楼将开放夜间游览,推出《夜上黄鹤楼》行浸式体验项目,这是黄鹤楼自1985年完成重建以来首次开放夜间游览。A light show is set to be staged at the historic building and along the Yangtze River every night. /CFP不同于传统夜游或演艺项目,《夜上黄鹤楼》将以黄鹤楼为主要载体,围绕其特有的历史文化,把声、光、电融入艺术表演,通过高科技光影技术,打造“夜武汉”新的地标。游客既可以选择登上黄鹤楼俯瞰、欣赏长江两岸的夜景和灯光秀,也可以选择在黄鹤楼主楼前西广场观看讲述名楼文化的光影演艺。
Wuhan's iconic Yellow Crane Tower will offer evening tours as the city looks to boost its nighttime economy and tourism after bringing the COVID-19 epidemic under control.Night tours will be available from October 1 to 8 during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, which usually see a spike in domestic travel.Visitors can ascend the tower to appreciate the night views as well as a light show, which will be staged at the historic building and along the Yangtze River every night during the period, according to organizers.The show, entitled "Ascending the Yellow Crane Tower at Night," will adopt advanced techniques to incorporate multimedia elements, such as lights, sounds and animated projections, with live performances of classic arts."[The show] is offering visitors an immersive experience and a unique cultural landscape of the ancient legacy," said the show's director Liu Fei.推荐阅读: