近日,福建龙岩一名8岁小男孩乘坐玩具“礼炮车”的视频走红网络。 视频中,小男孩坐着木制玩具“礼炮车”开路,车上还插着国旗。 这辆精致的“礼炮车”是爷爷为他亲手制作的国庆礼物,引得网友实名羡慕:“隔壁的小孩哭没哭不知道,屏幕这头的网友反正羡慕哭了。” A video of an 8-year-old boy driving a wooden car became a hit on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. The wooden car, resembling a tank with a Chinese national flag in the front, was a special National Day gift made by his grandfather. The 69-year-old man used the traditional nail-less Chinese wood structural technique called Sun Mao to make the car. 小男孩的爷爷名叫李石水,从18岁开始学习木艺,走南闯北做木匠已有50余年。 两年前,老爷子“退休”返乡,和老伴一起帮曾在外做服装加工的儿子和儿媳照看两个孩子。 闲来无事,他拾起从前的手艺,利用老宅的废旧木料来制作玩具。 在李爷爷手中,一榫一卯做出的玩具惟妙惟肖。 比如,会走路的小鸟↓ 会走路的鸭子↓ 比武的竹节人↓ 前不久,李爷爷给年仅两岁的小孙子打造了一辆“螳螂车”。 这辆纯手工木制小车造型独特,车两旁如“螳臂”般的木构件会随着车轮上下起伏,十分可爱。 这次中秋国庆双节来临,李爷爷又为大孙子亲手做了辆“礼炮车”,一共花费了7天时间。 Li Shishui is a veteran carpenter. In 2018, he retired from carpentry, which for over 50 years had earned him a living and then returned to his hometown in Longyan City, southeast China's Fujian Province, to look after his two grandsons, eight and two years old, whose parents used to work away from home. With more free time, Li went back to his old business, making toys out of waste planks for his grandsons. 这些充满童趣、饱含爱意的木制玩具,不仅捕获了孙子的心,也打动了在外漂泊的儿子和儿媳。 今年年初,儿子和儿媳辞去外面的工作回到家乡,利用在外积累做起服装电商,闲暇时也会用视频记录李爷爷对孙子的爱,通过互联网让更多人了解传统木匠技艺。 视频一经发布,网友实名羡慕。不少网友表示,“也想要个这样的爷爷!”
Earlier this year, Li's son and daughter-in-law decided to go home and stay with the family. They quit their jobs and started an online garment business. In their spare time, they also publish videos of Li's wooden toys. The online reaction to the toys and the sweet gestures by the grandfather was very positive. "I want a grandpa like him too." and "Does grandpa want a granddaughter? I can be that." were some of the comments written in the comment section of the videos. 推荐阅读:中国木匠爷爷圈粉超百万,海外网友:想要同款爷爷 这个火遍海内外的姑娘,到底做了啥?