

CGTN 2021-02-14




Some 4.8 million Madrid residents will be barred from leaving the area from Friday evening, making it the first European capital back into lockdown due to surging coronavirus cases. The new lockdown will last at least 14 days and could be extended if needed.

Restaurants and bars in the Spanish capital and nine satellite towns will shut early and slash capacity by half in what has again become Europe's worst infection hotspot.

The new restrictions, to start at 10 pm local time, are not as strict as the previous lockdown from March, when people were barred from leaving their homes. However, authorities advised residents not to move around unless absolutely necessary.

Local residents were exasperated at political wrangling between the central and regional governments, and anxious about whether the measures would work.

"We have been eight months with masks and without nightclubs and parties, and there is still contagion. Then what kind of impact will these restrictions make?" said Sonny van den Holstein, owner of Sanissimo restaurant. 

"People are confused, they hesitate to go out ... they are in fear," he said, as a customer called to cancel a reservation.

Famous for its late-night carousing and usually lively tourist flow, Madrid's bars and restaurants must close at 11 p.m. instead of a previous 1 a.m curfew, while restaurants, gyms and shops are having capacity cut by half.

Gatherings of more than six people remain banned indoors and outdoors, but parks and playgrounds can this time stay open.

People who do not comply will face fines.

A police officer gestures with a traffic control wand at a checkpoint during a lockdown in Madrid, Spain October 2, 2020. /Reuters

Legal challenge


不过西班牙政府对马德里实施防疫限制措施遭到了部分人士的批评。马德里自治区主席伊莎贝尔•迪亚斯•阿尤索(Isabel Diaz Ayuso)向中央政府的封锁令发起法律挑战,认为中央政府此举越权,并将损害地区经济发展。阿尤索在社交媒体猛批政府,称西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯(Pedro Sanchez)制造了“混乱”。桑切斯回应称,中央政府所做的一切都是为了挽救生命,保护民众健康。


Other busy European cities have tightened measures in recent days, including limiting numbers in restaurants and making face masks compulsory in more places. But none have gone as far as Madrid.

Conservative regional head Isabel Diaz Ayuso has launched a legal challenge, fearing economic damage and accusing the central government of exceeding its mandate by ordering the measures.

With Madrid's international airport Barajas staying open, Diaz Ayuso tweeted her anger at the prime minister: "From tomorrow one will be able to get to Madrid from Berlin but not from Parla. Thanks for the chaos, Pedro Sanchez." Parla is a periphery town south of Madrid.

In its appeal, the region argues that the measures do not adequately fight the pandemic and would cost 750 million euros ($879 million) per week to the local economy. But Sanchez said the only goal was saving lives and protecting health. "All decisions are made based on scientists' criteria," he said at a summit in Brussels.

With 850 cases per 100,000 people, according to the World Health Organization, the Madrid area has Europe's worst rate.


