根据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计数据,截至北京时间11月9日0时24分,全球累计新冠确诊病例超过5000万例,达50052204例,累计死亡病例1253110例。 美国是目前累计确诊病例和死亡病例最多的国家。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据显示,截至美国东部时间11月9日7点25分,美国累计确诊病例近1000万, 达9972333例,累积死亡病例达237584例。 疫情阴霾笼罩美国 过去一周,当美国聚焦总统大选时,新冠疫情也在持续恶化,新增确诊病例数不断攀升。 根据美国疾病控制和预防中心11月8日公布的数据,美国过去7天平均日增确诊病例数高达9.9万例。 数据还显示,11月6日全美报告新增新冠确诊病例132830例,刷新全球范围内一国单日新增确诊病例数最高纪录。 While American voters focused on the race for the White House, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to ravage the country. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Sunday reported a record-high average daily increase of COVID-19 cases at 99,320. The daily case count in the country also set a new record on Friday with 132,830, which is an all-time high in the U.S. and also around the world, according to the CDC. 美国《大西洋月刊》发起的“追踪全美疫情项目”数据显示,目前美国新冠住院病例数也在不断攀升。11月6日单日住院新冠患者总数超过5.4万人,较上周同期增长17%。此外,美国有16个州的住院新冠患者数在过去一周创新高。 The COVID Tracking Project, launched by The Atlantic, reported that there were more than 54,000 hospitalizations on Friday alone, a 17 percent increase over the last week. Meanwhile, 16 states reported record-high hospitalizations over the past week. 拜登称首要任务是控制疫情 当地时间11月7日,已获得超过270张选举人票的拜登在特拉华州威尔明顿发表讲话时表示,上任后的首要任务就是控制疫情。他将任命一个专家团队来制定应对新冠疫情的详细计划,并在他就任总统后开始实施。 此外,拜登及其副手哈里斯还推出了“过渡网站”, 宣布其目前四大重要工作:新冠防控、经济复苏、种族平等、气候变化。 在应对新冠疫情方面,拜登和哈里斯提出了三大原则:
“过渡网站”还列出了关于抗疫的七项计划,包括给所有美国民众提供可靠和免费的新冠病毒检测;启动“国防生产法”来增加口罩等防护用品的产量;为企业、社区和个人提供疫情防控具体指导;有效、公平地分配诊疗方案和疫苗等。 Projected winner of the U.S. presidential election Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have launched a transition website, where they detail plans on four priorities – COVID-19, economic recovery, racial equity and climate change. They have also vowed to establish a COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force to provide recommendations and oversight on disparities in public health and economic response. At the end of the current health crisis, it will become a permanent Infectious Disease Racial Disparities Task Force. They will immediately restore their relationship with the World Health Organization and restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, originally established by the Obama-Biden administration, according to the plan. 计划还明确指出将立即恢复与世界卫生组织的关系,协作应对新冠疫情带来的诸多挑战。 11月8日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在个人推特账号上向拜登及哈里斯表示祝贺,并称自己与世界卫生组织其他同事均期待与拜登团队展开合作。
美国参议院外交关系委员会副主席、民主党参议员罗伯特·梅内德斯也在推特上披露,特朗普于7月8日通知国会美国正式退出世界卫生组织。 居家、闭店、宵禁……美国地方政府升级疫情管控措施 面对目前持续恶化的新冠疫情,美国一些州也升级了管控措施,以遏制病毒的蔓延。 马萨诸塞州:自11月6日起实施新一轮“居家令”,要求民众在晚间10时到次日早上5时不要外出;关闭所有提供非必要业务的企业;5岁以上居民必须在公共场所佩戴口罩。 罗德岛州:自11月8日起,要求民众在工作日晚间10时到次日早上5时居家、周末晚间10时30分至次日早上5时居家;餐馆、体育馆及其他娱乐性场所须在晚间10时前关门;教堂、博物馆等室内场所限制人流量,防止人群聚集。 新泽西州、纽约州及康涅狄格州:要求从美国41个州和两个海外属地返回的人员隔离14天,并呼吁所有居民现阶段避免州与州之间非必需出行。 俄勒冈州:俄勒冈州11月6日宣布一项为期两周防疫限制计划,以减少公共场所人流量,遏制病毒传播。具体措施包括鼓励民众居家办公、餐饮场所和文体娱乐场所须限制客流量、要求民众减少室内外聚会及聚会人数最多不超过6人等。 In states and communities across the U.S., local authorities continued to fight the pandemic and implemented more restrictions to get the virus under control. A new stay-home advisory went into effect on Friday in Massachusetts. It requires residents to stay at home from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.. Meanwhile, non-essential businesses were ordered to close and residents over 5-years-old are required to wear a mask in public. In Rhode Island, a stay-at-home advisory to all residents began Sunday, urging them to remain home between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. on weeknights, and from 10:30 p.m. until 5 a.m. on weekends. The state also required restaurants, gyms and recreational facilities to close by 10 p.m.. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut issued a quarantine travel advisory, which requires travelers to these three states from 41 states and two territories (Guam and Puerto Rico) to quarantine for 14 days. Besides, inter-state travelling is highly discouraged. Oregon on Friday called on several counties to take a two-week "pause" on social activities, encourage working at home , limit indoor social gatherings to a maximum of six people and set capacity limits at restaurants, gyms and recreational facilities. 推荐阅读:美媒宣布拜登当选,特朗普拒绝接受!拜登何时才能正式当选下届美国总统? “选”而未决:拜登6票之遥,特朗普行动了 结束了吗?还没有!