拜登“胜选宣言”要点:让美国重新赢得国际尊重 据美国多家媒体当地时间7日统计,美国民主党总统候选人、前副总统拜登已获得超过270张选举人票。 根据选举规则,如果最终结果确认有效,率先获得270张选举人票的总统候选人获胜。 11月7日,拜登发表声明称,对“胜选”结果感到非常荣幸。 “这是一场令人信服的胜利” 北京时间8日上午9点,拜登在特拉华州威尔明顿市发表演说,承诺会让美国重新团结起来,并将于下周一宣布一个由12名医学专家组成的新冠疫情应对团队。 他表示,自己获得7400万张选票,足以证明“这是一场令人信服的胜利”。 Joe Biden pledged that he's going to be a president who seeks to unify and rebuild the backbone of the U.S. during an address to the public in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday after being projected by multiple U.S. media outlets to be the winner of the 2020 U.S. election. He also pledged that he would announce a special 12 people task force to tackle COVID-19 on Monday. In addition, he said, "people have spoken and delivered clear victory with a record of 74 million votes, bringing an outpouring of joy and hope." 但特朗普方面拒绝接受这一结果,称还有州需要重新计票,并承诺将采取法律行动,保证结果合法性。 目前,美国几个“关键州”的计票工作仍未完全结束,距离官方的最终计票结果公布还需要一段时间。 After the U.S. media projection of Joe Biden winning the 2020 presidential elections. U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign said Saturday it had filed a lawsuit in Arizona, alleging the southwestern state's most populous county incorrectly rejected votes cast by some voters in the U.S. presidential race on election day. 两人都说了啥? 拜登发表声明,称他“很荣幸可以得到美国人民的信任”,让他领导这个国家。 同时,拜登的竞选伙伴卡玛拉·哈里斯在推特发布了一段与拜登通话的视频。视频中,哈里斯激动地通知拜登“胜选”的消息,少数族裔的哈里斯也将成为美国首位女性副总统。 拜登转发和哈里斯视频通话“我们做到了” In a written statement after the race results came out, Biden said he was "honored and humbled" to be trusted by the American people to let him lead the country. Joe Biden's presidential race partner Kamala Harris called him immediately after finding out he would be the projected president, saying "We did it!" Because of their win, Kamala Harris made history Saturday by being the first woman projected to be vice president of the United States. 然而,特朗普在推特发文称,自己“以很大优势赢得大选”,但这一推文已被推特平台标注为“缺乏信源的消息”。 Donald Trump tweeted, "I won this election, by a lot!" However, Twitter slapped a warning on the message saying, "Official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted."
拜登何时才能正式当选下届美国总统? 根据美国法律,在美国联邦总务署(General Services Administration)确认一方胜选后,美国总统权力移交工作才能正式开展。 而当下的形势格外复杂。 一方面,美国媒体纷纷宣布拜登当选下届美国总统,另一方面,特朗普否认败选并宣称要采取法律行动,且计票仍在进行。 截至目前,联邦总务署尚未就竞选结果发表正式声明。 When will Joe Biden officially become president-elect? While multiple media outlets have declared him the winner of the election, the incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump has refused to concede and vowed for legal actions. Before Biden's transition can officially move forward and before he can contact federal agencies or access the millions of dollars set aside for the transfer of power, he needs an "ascertainment" from the administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA) that he has truly won the presidency. So far, the GSA has only said that "an ascertainment has not yet been made" and it will continue to "abide by and fulfill all requirements under the law." 推荐阅读:“选”而未决:拜登6票之遥,特朗普行动了