Mr. Biden, I heard your victory speech.拜登先生,我听了您的胜选演讲。 I know, for many people, the game is not over. 我知道,不少人认为这事儿还没完。But to many more, the curtain has fallen for Donald Trump 但对更多人来说, 特朗普已经out了, and will soon lift for you and your running mate Kamala Harris.您和您的竞选搭档贺锦丽即将登场。 At least that’s how you and your team see it. 至少您和您的团队已摩拳擦掌。You already gave your victory speech and, believe it or not, that speech has reached many in China. 这不,您发表了胜选演讲,而且,信不信由您,这篇演讲不少中国人也看了。We have been fascinated by the election saga, 大选像热播剧让我们欲罢不能 ,wondering what it will mean for us.不知道中国人会不会躺枪。 I listened carefully to your speech despite severe jet leg from a long journey from Europe back to China. 我可是认认真真听了您的演讲,尽管我刚从欧洲历经周折返回国内,被时差搅得昏天黑地。I am still in quarantine as you can see. 您看,我这还在隔离呢。 I’m really curious what you have to say to Americans and to us here across the Pacific.我很好奇,您对美国民众还有大洋彼岸的我们都有哪些话要说。 Congratulations. 祝贺您!I must first say that you looked terrific, 首先我想说,您看起来棒极了, jogging onto the stage, full of energy.小跑上台, 活力四射。 The speech was well delivered. 演讲也很赞。Only I didn’t find much foreign policy-related content. 只是外交政策相关的内容似乎不多。Of course, you were talking to your fellow countrymen and women. 当然,您毕竟是说给美国乡亲们听的。 You talked about how you want to be the leader of a united country, not a divided one. 您说要领导一个团结的而不是分裂的国家。 You talked about making a choice to cooperate with Republicans. 您说会选择与共和党人合作。 You talked about restoring the American middle class and making America respected around the world again. 您说要重新壮大美国中产阶级,还要让美国在世人面前重拾颜面。 You also talked about putting aside harsh rhetoric, lowering the temperature with the Republicans. 您还号召共和党人一起停止恶语相向,都降温吧。It’s time to heal, you said, 该疗伤了,你说,and to march the forces of decency, fairness and science.要推崇正派、公平和科学的力量。 These messages stayed in my mind, 这些话语给我印象深刻,as I revisit them, somehow they seem to apply also to US-China relations, 当我重温它们时,发现似乎也适用于中美关系,wouldn’t you agree? 您不觉得么? You said you want to be a leader who unites instead of divides. 您说要领导各方走向团结而非分裂。 Look at what has happened to the world since President Trump came into office?!看看特朗普总统上任以来,世界都成什么样了?!For no valid reasons, countries have been forced, especially smaller ones, to take sides! 很多国家无缘无故被迫选边站,小国尤其如此!Either you are with us or against us. 顺我者昌,逆我者亡。It’s been driving them nuts and has not earned America many friends. 这让他们很抓狂,也没给美国赢得几个朋友。 "The coalition of the willing" has always been wishful thinking. 所谓的“意愿联盟”都是一厢情愿。 It’s time to wake up.该醒醒了。 You said it’s time to cooperate. 您说合作的时候到了。Hell yeah! 就是啊!That’s the spirit. 这种态度就对了。Countries can compete and should compete, that’s just natural. 国与国之间当然可以也应当竞争,这再正常不过了。 In a sports match, athletes compete to be stronger and better,在体育比赛中,运动员们就是通过竞争超越自己,but without having to forge animosities. 但不必反目成仇。 China is going to continue to grow, whether America likes it or not. 中国会继续发展,无论美国高不高兴。And that’s the choice you can make — whether we cooperate or not. 但您可以做出选择,双方是否合作。And when we do, there’s nothing that can’t be done, to borrow your own words. 两国一旦合作,借用您的话,没有什么事情是做不到的。Climate change, a perfect example,气候变化就是一个很好的例子,and we’ve been there before. 双方就曾做得很好。The coronavirus can be another example. 新冠肺炎病毒领域也有可能。Through cooperation, we can beat it!通过携手,大家应能战胜疫情! Mr. Biden, you said it’s time to put aside harsh rhetoric and lower the temperature. 拜登先生,您说别再恶语相向,都降温吧。The fierce tit-for-tat that’s been going on between our two countries is just poisonous. 我们两国之间最近出现的针锋相对简直有害无益。Now the ball is in the US’ court. 而现在主动权在你们手上。 China welcomes a stable relationship with the US. 中国乐于和美国保持稳定关系。 Unless provoked, it has no reason to make an enemy out of the most powerful country in the world.除非被逼急了,中国干嘛要和世界上最强大的国家为敌啊。 You said it’s time to march the forces of decency, fairness and science. 您说要推崇正派、公平和科学的力量。You were talking about the coronavirus pandemic, I believe. 我想您指的是在新冠肺炎疫情中。But in international relations, especially between big countries we can also use a bit of that! 但在国际关系,特别是大国关系中,这些也只缺不多!There are differences between countries, even grave grievances, 国与国之间可以存在分歧,甚至牢骚满天,but please, let’s all have more decency, fairness and science, and by that, I mean facts, in how you approach a foreign country and people. 但是,我说,让我们在对待其他国家及其民众时也多些正派、公平和科学,这里我指的是事实,好不? That’s the only way possible.不这样也不行啊。 Mr. Biden, you said it’s time to bring prosperity to all, 拜登先生,您说是时候让大家(美国人)共同富裕了,and that possibilities are what define America. 说无限的可能性定义了美国。I agree. 没错。That’s how America has been built and why it is so loved. 那是美国的立国之本,也是美国让人向往的原因。 But America does not have a monopoly on prosperity and possibilities. 不过美国在繁荣和无限可能性上可没有专利。 You have American dreams. 你们有美国梦。 Chinese people, and people around the world have their dreams too, and the right to fulfill them. 中国人和世界其他地方的人也有他们的梦想,还有实现梦想的权利。 Nobody can say "stop" 没人可以说“停”,or "you must not get richer", 或者“你们不能比我富”,or "you couldn’t have invented that."或者“你们不可能发明了某个东西” 。Prosperity for all should mean prosperity for all.共同繁荣意味着所有(地球)人都能繁荣。 Finally you talked about restoring the image of the US as "a beacon for the globe". 最后您说要恢复美国作为“一座全球灯塔”的形象。 Some say that will mean more ideological confrontation with China. 有人说这意味着中美之间会有更多意识形态对抗。I say we just have to be our better selves, our better angels, and see how we co-exist. 我说我们只要做更好的自己,放飞自己的善良天使,然后学会和平共处就行。 I’m glad you used "a beacon" instead of "the beacon", 我很高兴您用的是“一座灯塔”而不是“唯一灯塔”, as that would make things much more complicated. 否则就有点麻烦了。You talked about the broadest coalition and diversity within the US. 您谈到要在美国建立最广泛的联盟,尊重多元。 The world needs that too.全世界也需要啊。And that’s how you win back respect for America.只有这样美国也才能再次得到尊重。 So Mr. Biden, if you are officially declared president-elect, 拜登先生,如果您正式当选总统, I wish you success.我祝您成功。Remember, what could work to heal America can work for the world as well, and China is on standby.请记住, 能帮助美国疗伤的做法也能平复世界,中国随时准备着。 Good luck.祝您好运!