当地时间11月16日,据美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会介绍,自新冠疫情在美国暴发以来,已有超过100万名18岁以下的少儿被确诊感染新冠病毒。 两个机构在联合声明中表示,截至11月12日,共有1,039,464名少儿的新冠检测呈阳性。同时,在11月6日至12日的一个星期内,少儿新冠肺炎新增确诊病例达到111,946例,大大超过了之前一周的水平。 Over a million children in the U.S. under age 18 have been diagnosed with coronavirus since the genesis of the pandemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics and Children's Hospital Association said Monday. "As of Nov. 12, a total of 1,039,464 children have tested positive for the virus since the onset of the pandemic. In the one-week period ending Nov. 12, there were 111,946 new cases in children, substantially larger than any previous week in the pandemic," the groups said in a joint statement.
当地时间11月16日,据《华盛顿邮报》报道,北弗吉尼亚州的教师协会呼吁州长拉尔夫·诺瑟姆将全州的学校恢复为网络授课,以应对全国和附近地区越来越糟的新冠疫情。 On Monday, Northern Virginia teachers' unions urged Governor Ralph Northam to switch the state to online-only learning in order to contain the worsening situation in terms of coronavirus cases, The Washington Post reported. 该团体代表该州的12000名教师在本周一向诺瑟姆致信,称他应将弗吉尼亚州重返该州”重新开放计划“的第二阶段。目前该州处于第三阶段,即允许所有学生接受“面对面授课并根据要求保持社交距离。”而第二阶段中,只有特殊教育的学生,英语学习者和到三年级的学龄前儿童将被允许在学校内学习。 教师协会希望诺瑟姆要求所有公立学校仅提供在线教学,直到新冠病例开始呈下降趋势。 The unions, representing 12,000 local teachers, sent a letter to Northam, suggesting he return Virginia to Phase 2 of the state's reopening plan with restrictions on face-to-face teaching. The state is currently in Phase 3, meaning all students are allowed to receive in-person instruction with social distancing measures in place, according to reports. The unions requested that "all public schools provide online-only instruction until cases begin to trend downward."
当地时间15日,为防止新冠疫情的扩大,密歇根州州长惠特默宣布推出新的限制措施,要求密歇根州开始“为期三周的暂停活动,主要针对室内社交聚会和其他群体活动”,其中包括:高中和大学停止现场授课,关闭餐馆,禁止室内用餐,暂停体育队活动等,以减缓新冠病毒蔓延。 Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Sunday also set out new restrictions to curb COVID-19 in the state, saying colleges, high schools as well as workplaces will close for three weeks.
但密歇根州的这一举措却遭到白宫新冠病毒工作组成员阿特拉斯的批评,他甚至敦促人们“站起来”反对新的公共卫生措施。阿特拉斯在社交媒体上发文称:“唯一能阻止这种情况发生的办法就是人们起来反抗。你不反抗就得接受。#自由可贵 # 。” White House coronavirus advisor Scott Atlas, however, responded with an objection and said in a tweet that "the only way this stops is if people rise up." Other governors and mayors across the country are also imposing restrictions to stop some of the spread.
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美国《外交政策》杂志网站13日发文指出,如果绘制一幅美国疫情地图,并且将疫情重灾区标为红色的话,全美50个州中有49个州都要被标为红色。 当地时间11月15日,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据显示,美国新冠确诊病例已突破1100万。而仅在一周前,该机构刚于11月9日报告病例突破1000万。媒体指出,美国仅用一周时间就增加了100万确诊病例,速度之快,为疫情暴发以来前所未有。 Forty-nine of the 50 U.S. states are now classified as hot spots of COVID-19, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which colors states with out-of-control transmission in red.
On Sunday, the total number of infections in the U.S. surpassed 11 million, according to Johns Hopkins University. What's more, the tally passed 10 million less than a week ago, with many media outlets calling it the most widespread wave of infection since the pandemic began. 推荐阅读:“密接”新冠感染者 英国首相自我隔离 谭德塞:城市承受不起另一场像新冠这样规模的危机