评论 | 中国为什么能消除绝对贫困?
编者按: 中国为什么能消除绝对贫困?香港中文大学(深圳)全球与当代中国高等研究院院长郑永年指出,与西方脱贫由市场主导不同,中国扶贫由市场和政府一起发力。中国的制度优势使得政府可以实施“对口支持”等政策,而这一点在国外很难实现。以下为CGTN与郑永年采访的节选,观点为专家本人观点,并不代表CGTN立场。
Editor's note: What's behind China's success in eradicating absolute poverty? Zheng Yongnian, a professor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believes that both the market and the government have contributed to this outcome. China's political system has also made policies such as partnered assistance programs possible. The following contains excerpts from the transcript of CGTN's interview with Zheng. They reflect the expert's views, and not necessarily those of CGTN.