

CGTN 2021-03-27

The U.S. Capitol Police on Thursday confirmed the death of one of its officers who was wounded during Wednesday's riots. The police officer is the fifth person to die following Wednesday's riots at the Capitol.

"At approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening (January 7, 2021), United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty," the Capitol Police said.

其中,一名特朗普女性支持者强闯国会大厦时被射中身亡的现场画面也已曝光。这名中枪女子身份已确定:阿什利·巴比特(Ashli Babbit),一名拥有14年军龄的退役军人,为特朗普坚定支持者。


A total of 68 people were arrested on Wednesday night following the riots, according to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser's spokesperson.



CGTN团队在亲历美国国会暴乱现场的报道过程中,不但拍摄设备等随行器材被砸,甚至被示威者吐口水和追逐。白宫记者Nathan King直言“非常愤怒”,他回顾了前方报道团队的遭遇。

CGTN's Nathan King was on the scene at the U.S. Capitol during the unprecedented siege of the building by Trump supporters in order to overturn the complete outcome of the 2020 Presidential election. 

He talks about what he saw, the police response, and how supporters reacted moments before storming into the Capitol, and what this means in the waning days of the Trump administration. 



当地时间1月7日,白宫新闻秘书凯莉·麦克纳尼(Kayleigh McEnany)在临时召开的记者会上表示,白宫谴责6日国会大厦抗议冲突中的暴力骚乱者。


"It is unacceptable, and those that broke the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters on Thursday amid growing calls for Trump's removal from office.

"Let me be clear: the violence we saw yesterday at our nation's Capitol was appalling, reprehensible and antithetical to the American way," she said. "We condemn it - the president and this administration - in the strongest possible terms."



据美国有线电视新闻网援引知情人士和政府高级官员报道,交通部长赵小兰(Elaine Chao)已经提交辞呈,下周一生效。她将是美国国会暴乱事件发生后第一个辞职的特朗普内阁成员。

The unprecedented scenes of bedlam at the Capitol building on Wednesday night have reportedly prompted a resignation spree at the White House. U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao is said to be the first among Trump staff to cast off the outgoing president following the hours-long capture of the Capitol by his violent supporters. 


U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos also submitted her resignation to Trump on Thursday night, making her the second major official to step down following Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.

"That behavior was unconscionable for our country. There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me." DeVos said in a letter to Trump published by several U.S. media outlets. "Impressionable children are watching all this, and they are learning from us."

此外,现任美国驻北爱尔兰特使的米克·穆尔瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)即特朗普前幕僚长宣布辞职;经白宫官员证实,欧洲和俄罗斯事务高级主管赖安·塔利(Ryan Tully)也已从美国国家安全委员会辞职。

Other names include Mick Mulvaney, Trump's former chief of staff and current U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland; and Ryan Tully, Trump's top White House adviser on Russia.




On Thursday, Trump condemned the invasion of the Capitol and said he's committed to a smooth, orderly transition of power in a newly released video posted on Twitter after the 12-hour ban executed by the social media giant ended.

"The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country," Trump said in the 160-second video. "And to those who broke the law, you will pay."




Trump will not be able to post anything on Facebook and Instagram, at least for the remainder of his term in office, the chief executive of the social networking site Mark Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg on Thursday said the action was taken because Trump clearly demonstrated he intended "to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his successor."


