冠察天下 | 特朗普四年打造“反华共识”
编者按:国际新闻网站“灰色地带”主编Max Blumenthal接受CGTN主播王冠专访时表示,针对美国自由派,华盛顿兜售中国在新疆、香港、西藏“侵犯人权”的叙事,向铁锈带草根则不断重复“中国抢走美国就业”的说辞。在所谓价值观和原则的华丽外衣下,包裹的是其对非白人民族、非西方模式的社会超越美国的恐惧。他还指出,每当出现和美国实力接近的国家时,军工复合体、国会、鹰派学界等一众机构都会助推摩擦升级,以从中大幅渔利。
Editor's note:How did the Trump White House pull off a new Cold War on China? Max Blumenthal, Editor-in-Chief at the Grayzone, told CGTN anchor Wang Guan that smart propaganda is key. Blumenthal said the war on China is marketed to the U.S. public in term of values, yet behind it is a fear of losing U.S. supremacy.