冠察天下 | 特朗普主义让美国民主陷入至暗时刻
编者按:即将离任的总统煽动了一场针对民选候任总统的暴乱,引发流血事件……这是历史事件还是现实存在?特朗普右翼掀起的国会暴乱是否将美国民主带入“至暗时刻”? 从香港暴乱、反恐到颜色革命,美国依然以关系亲疏远近决定一个人是“国内恐怖分子”还是“民主支持者”,为什么美国对外的双标延续至今?亲历两届美国大选的CGTN主播记者王冠将分享他对此次美国国会暴乱的看法。
You would think this was some country in the Middle East or Africa where Washington preached free and fair elections or intervened militarily to install a democracy.
But it is the United States.
A sore loser, who lost to his challenger by seven million votes and some 70 electoral college votes, and lost most of the lawsuits defying these results, instigated a mob that looted and attacked Capitol Hill to stop the final vote count to certify Biden's win.
And where were the Trumps during the protests?
没错,骚乱发生时,特朗普全家一边为抗议者加油打气,一边为埃里克·特朗普庆生。埃里克本人在推文中写道: “从没想过会有15万人在华盛顿国家广场为我唱生日歌!”
As the chaos unfolded, the Trump family were cheering the protesters and celebrating Eric Trump's birthday. "Never thought I would have 150,000 people sing me happy birthday on the National Mall in Washington D.C!" Eric Trump tweeted.
“现在,谁才是香蕉共和国?” 肯尼亚的全国性报纸《民族日报》次日发出了这样的拷问。香蕉共和国一词曾被美国用来形容世界上“衰弱”的民主国家。
The next day Kenya's national newspaper, the Daily Nation, asked, "Who's the banana republic now?" The U.S. has used the term "banana republic" to describe fragile democracies around the world.
Colombia's national paper Publimetro asked the same question.
巴勒斯坦裔美国学者约瑟夫·缪内耶在个人推特上这样评论: “我们输出的民主太多了,一点都没给自己留,”
Reacting to the Capitol riot, Palestinian-American scholar Yousef Munayyer tweeted the same day, "We exported so much democracy that we don't have any left."
But now, those who believe in the superiority of U.S.-style democracy should think twice. It has a lot to do with Trump. But the social and economic division that escalated these violent right-wing nationalists started before Trump. And the damage done to America's democratic institutions, like the press and the judiciary, may not perish even after Trump's presidency.
在整个骚乱事件中,我们再次见证了华盛顿的双重标准。美国官员,不论左翼还是右翼,一致对国会山的暴徒发出了谴责。乔·拜登称他们为 “本土恐怖分子” 。南希·佩洛西对此次国会暴动事件的发生扼腕叹息: “今天,我们的民主遭到了可耻的攻击”
And through it all, Washington's double standards have reappeared.
U.S. officials from both the left and right condemned the Capitol Hill rioters, with Joe Biden even calling them "domestic terrorists." Nancy Pelosi said, "Today, a shameful assault was made on our democracy."
香港暴乱期间,暴徒冲击并破坏了立法会大楼,在地铁站纵火,向警方投掷汽油弹,甚至用尖刀刺伤一名警员的颈部。可当时,美国官员称他们为“支持民主的示威者”。佩洛西甚至这样评价: “这是一道美丽的风景线……我赞赏那些敢于开口之人的勇气。”
But during the violence in Hong Kong when rioters raided and vandalized the legislature, set metro stations on fire and threw petrol bombs at police, even stabbing one of them in the neck, U.S. officials called them "pro-democracy activists." About these protests, Nancy Pelosi once commented, "It's a beautiful sight to behold and I commend the courage of the people there for speaking out."
Of course, one group is "domestic terrorists" and the other "pro-democracy activists."
We've seen this before, haven't we?
Islamists who attacked the U.S. and its allies have been called "terrorists," whereas extremists killing innocents in China were "repressed ethnic minorities."
In U.S. elections, there could only be "Russian interference" because when Washington triggered a coup in Ukraine in 2014, it was allegedly "supporting democracy."
Kings and amirs in the Persian Gulf were Washington's "friends and allies," while elected leaders in Syria and Zimbabwe were "dictators" and their elections "manipulated."
再来看国会山的暴乱。大家知道我看到这些画面时想到了什么吗?就是特朗普四年前的就职演说,因为我就在现场。当时,我还是一名驻华盛顿记者。我想说,那一天之前的美国给我留下的回忆要比后来美好许多,也是在那一天,特朗普对着《圣经》信誓旦旦: “《圣经》告诉我们,弟兄姐妹和睦共处是何等的善、何等的美! 我们必须畅所欲言,真诚辩论分歧,但同时始终追求团结。”
Now back to the Capitol Hill riots. What was I thinking when I saw those images? Trump's inaugural speech four years ago. I was there. I was a Washington-based correspondent back then. And I can tell you I had much better memories of America before that day when Trump delivered his sacred and seemingly great speech.
"The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity," he said. "We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity."