一群野象在云南省长途跋涉,一路北迁,打破中国象群的最长迁徙记录,引发国内外媒体和网友围观热议。当地政府密切监视象群动向,提前预警布防,为确保居民和大象安全,没少花心思、费功夫! 中国是为数不多亚洲象数量增长的国家,过去40年里,亚洲象数量从约170头增加到约300头。本期《粉碎标题党》“特邀”嘉宾野象团,带你看看外媒如何围观大象神仙游?中国为保护亚洲象做了哪些努力? Elephants in the studio! China's herd of wandering elephants has become virtual celebrities, capturing hearts around the world. Local governments have taken measures to ensure the safety of both the elephants and residents. Many intl. media have abandoned politically charged rhetoric to report on the facts & China's protection efforts. What do they say? Check this week's HeadlineBuster