A transfer ceremony was held Thursday morning at the Incheon International Airport, west of the Republic of Korea (ROK) capital Seoul, to hand over the remains of Chinese soldiers who were killed in the 1950-53 Korean War. After the ceremony, the martyrs' remains were carried home by the Chinese Air Force and landed at Shenyang Taoxian International Airport. The remains of 109 Chinese soldiers and 1,226 related relics were excavated from six regions in the ROK between 2019 and 2020, according to South Korea's Ministry of National Defense (MND). 71年前,年轻的中国人民志愿军跨过鸭绿江踏上抗美援朝的战场,背抵祖国,寸土不让。 近20万志愿军战士牺牲在这场战争里,其中大部分埋骨国境之外。离家尚是少年之身,归来已是报国之躯。
The CPV fought with the People's Army of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the Korean War against the ROK army and U.S.-led UN forces. Almost 200,000 CPV soldiers were confirmed killed in the war, with most buried on the Korean Peninsula. 2014年至2020年,我国先后迎回七批716位在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸,并安葬于沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园。 In 2014, the ROK agreed with China to repatriate the remains of fallen Chinese soldiers according to international law and humanitarian spirit, the ministry said. From 2014 to 2020, the ROK returned the remains of 716 Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs killed in the Korean War, including 437 in 2014, 68 in 2015, 36 in 2016, 28 in 2017, 20 in 2018, 10 in 2019 and 117 in 2020. 脚步慢一点—— 为迎接英烈,执行志愿军烈士遗骸交接任务的解放军仪仗大队已集中训练了一个多月。他们本次使用的“礼步”不同于阅兵中气势恢宏的正步,步幅放慢至每分钟24到30步,更显庄重、威仪。归程稳一点——