11月7日是李女士的生日,郑少雄从未忘记过母亲的生日。自从本科赴港读书起,到殒命于芝加哥枪击案之前,每天晚上他都会打来电话,道一声晚安,以平复大洋彼岸母亲的牵挂。 但这一切,在11月10日凌晨2时,都被改变了。 美国当地时间11月9日下午2时,芝加哥大学附近街区发生一起恶性持枪抢劫案,一名不久前毕业于芝加哥大学的中国留学生不幸遇难,这已是一年之内第二位遭遇枪杀的芝加哥大学中国留学生。 A Chinese graduate student at the University of Chicago, killed in a robbery, is being remembered. Last week, the 24-year-old was shot dead by a teenager as he walked home from campus. Police say the suspect tried to pawn Zheng’s mobile phone and laptop. The case has prompted demands from students for better campus security. 郑少雄母亲沉痛哀悼 第一次出国竟是参加儿子葬礼 11月18日下午,郑少雄的追思会在芝加哥大学洛克菲勒纪念教堂如期举行。 母亲李女士上台哀悼:“妈妈生平第一次出国,不是去旅游观光,不是去参加你的毕业典礼,更不是参加你的婚礼庆典,而是参加你的葬礼。” “我相信你能闻到这个味道,闻到妈妈的味道。”母亲李蓉特意用上了儿子遇害前两天寄给自己的生日礼物——一瓶香水。“你知道妈妈来接你回家了。” 郑少雄从乐山实验中学,到成都七中,一路奋斗到香港大学。出国攻读芝大统计学硕士时,曾对她许诺,今后带她看更大的世界,母子二人一同期待未来。 “可如今我们母子阴阳两隔,我悲痛地一遍一遍呼唤你的名字。儿子,为什么妈妈看到希望的时候,却突然坠落在地狱中。” 郑母还要求严惩凶手,并代表千千万万的母亲,强烈呼吁确保每个留学生安全。 中国驻美大使秦刚发推文表示,中国驻美使领馆将继续敦促美方将凶手绳之以法,采取切实措施打击仇亚排华行为,希望在美华侨华人中国留学生提高安全意识,加强自我防护。 A memorial has been held for Zheng Shaoxiong. A framed portrait of Zheng sat on the middle of the stage, surrounded by large displays of white and yellow flowers. "This is the first time I've ever been abroad, not for sightseeing, not for your commencement, nor for your wedding ceremony, but for your funeral," said Li Rong, Zheng's mother. Li also went on to demand justice be brought to her son’s killer. “我们是来学习,而不是来送死!” 当地时间11月16日,至少200名芝加哥大学学生在校园中集会示威,抗议枪支暴力,要求学校采取进一步的安全措施。其中许多是国际学生,包括大量中国留学生。 他们举着自制的标语,表达他们的担忧。 标语显示:“我们想要安全”、“下一个是谁?”、“白天不再安全”,“我们来这里是学习的而不是来送死的。” 郑少雄被枪杀后,芝大学生们迅速联合组织校园集会,集体抗议郑少雄受到的不公平待遇。 芝加哥警察局和芝加哥警察大学将合作,周三晚上讨论的一项安全计划包括一个即将开放的实时街区监控系统,以确保学生和警察及时监控当地犯罪活动。 Zheng, 24, was fatally shot on November 9 during a robbery near the University of Chicago, which sparked outrage, and students demanded safety. Students, holding flowers, assembled at the Hyde Park Gothic chapel on Thursday afternoon and laid flowers in front of Zheng’s portrait. They held banners expressing their concerns, “We want security,” “Who’s next?”, “The day is no longer safe.” Meanwhile, the Chicago Police Department and the Chicago Police University have promised to work together in the future. A security plan discussed on Wednesday night includes a real-time neighborhood monitoring system that will soon be opened to ensure that students and police monitor local criminal activities in a timely manner. 案件进展 法院禁止嫌犯保释 当地时间13日下午,针对在芝加哥枪杀中国留学生郑少雄的嫌犯奥尔顿·斯潘,美国伊利诺伊州库克郡巡回法院做出禁止其保释的决定。 芝加哥警方在当地时间12日下午表示,现年18岁的斯潘涉嫌在当地时间9日下午13时52分枪杀郑少雄。斯潘在当天下午被控一项一级谋杀重罪、一项持枪抢劫重罪和2项非法使用武器重罪。 芝加哥市警察局长大卫·布朗表示,受害人没有做任何事情来挑起这场令人发指的罪行,他没有理由被杀。至于犯罪动机,布朗表示,“我认为与动机有关的是(嫌犯)把(郑少雄)的东西拿去商店卖了100美元。” 报道称,目前警方只逮捕了1名嫌犯,案件还在进一步调查中。布朗多次强调要严惩嫌犯,并鼓励民众匿名提供线索,帮助警方尽快破案。 Police have detained an 18-year-old suspect, who approached Zheng with a gun and demanded his belongings on November 9. Zheng was shot in the chest and was later pronounced dead after being rushed to UChicago Hospital. The man accused of pulling the trigger was quickly arrested and denied bail. “学霸” 的人设在郑少雄身上略显单薄 郑少雄的发小在接受“在人间”采访时说,在他心目中,用“学霸”这个词来形容三同(郑少雄小名)实在太单薄,对他来说,从小到大,都能感受到他对身边的人以及这个世界的宽容以及善意。 郑少雄曾凭借着品学兼优和阳光帅气的外形,还有在钢琴、书法、乒乓球方面出色的才艺,成功当选为成都七中的形象大使。 在竞争激烈的成都七中,郑少雄学习从不蛮干,往往能够举一反三,钻透题目,还会腾出时间和精力,授人以渔。 斯人已逝,我们由衷希望美国政府能够给少雄妈妈一个交代,也希望少雄妈妈早日走出丧子之痛,迎接新生活。 “Every time you asked him a question, he tried his best to help you. I think he spent a lot of time on that,” Nan Jiang, a close friend from high school, told UChicago News. “No matter what, he always had an encouraging word. And I think that wasn’t just for me. It was everyone he had contact with.” According to fellow students at UChicago, Zheng was an active proponent of personal safety, always giving others tips on how to stay safe before he fell victim to gun violence himself. 推荐阅读:美国俄亥俄州立大学学生静坐示威 抗议警察枪杀16岁非裔女孩 枪杀、歧视、新冠灾难…美国的人权纪录还能更糟吗?