

CGTN时评 CGTN 2022-05-03

Editor's note: America's war game has long gone beyond hot conflicts that take military operations as the mainstay. The country, as the unipolar hegemon, became even bolder in carrying out interventions overseas and developed what is known as "hybrid warfare". For all the short-term benefit the U.S. has reaped, just as much long-term damage is inflicted upon itself. Episode 8 is on the hidden crisis for American hegemony.



面对压力,古巴共产党中央第一书记、国家主席迪亚斯•卡内尔(Miguel Diaz-Canel)直言不讳地指出,美国方面资助和煽动了这次骚乱,古巴民众要上街“保卫革命”。事实上,这并不是美国第一次干涉古巴内政。过去60多年,美国一面对古巴实施经济封锁,使这个国家长期处于经济困境之中;一面以推行民主之名,长期资助古巴国内的反政府力量,借机引发古巴社会混乱,试图推翻现政府、扶植亲美代理人。

美国排演的这场“哈瓦那之夏”,正是典型的“颜色革命”(Color Revolution)。今天,颜色革命的目的和手法已被越来越多人所看穿,但由于它一般不涉及军事对抗,人们往往会低估其危害。殊不知,颜色革命也是某种意义上的战争形态,它是美国“混合战争”(Hybrid Warfare)的重要组成部分。而混合战争,已成为后冷战时代以来美国维持霸权地位、实现全球统治的主要手段。

For the Cuban capital Havana, known as the pearl of the Caribbean, July 2021 was an unsettling summer month. Thousands of Cubans took to the streets and confronted the police, marking the first anti-government mass protest in the country since 1994.

Strangely, prior to the protest, the hashtag "SOSCuba" was seen on American social media. While many newly-created accounts kept forwarding unverified information, comments supporting the Cuban government were banned.

During the protest, Western media actively propagated in their manipulative reports. Some, including The New York Times, even captioned a photo of a pro-government rally as an anti-government one, while deliberately left out the effort of the Cuban government to engage with communities.

After the protest, American politicians continued to instigate Cubans to fight for their "legitimate rights" through riots, steering the focus of confrontation away from the economic to the ideological domain.

Under pressure, the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party and Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel bluntly claimed it was the U.S. that funded and instigated the unrest, and called on the Cuban people to walk onto the streets to "defend" the revolution.

In fact, it was not the first time that the U.S. had intervened in Cuba's internal affairs. Over the past 60 years, Washington's economic blockade has put Cuba in constant economic difficulty. Meanwhile, the U.S. has long been funding anti-government forces within Cuba and attempting to stir up social unrest in the name of promoting democracy in a bid to topple the incumbent government and develop pro-America proxies.

This "Havanan Summer" staged by the U.S. is a typical color revolution. Its purposes and patterns are increasingly known in this day and age. Nevertheless, its harm is usually underrated as military confrontation is rarely involved. The color revolution is a form of war. It constitutes an important component of America's hybrid warfare – the main instrument to maintain America's hegemony and global dominance in the post-Cold War era.

What is hybrid warfare?




America's war game has long gone beyond hot conflicts that take military operations as the mainstay. After the Cold War, the country, as the unipolar hegemon, became even bolder in carrying out interventions overseas and developed what is known as "hybrid warfare" that uses all dimensions of state power and is more secretive in approaches.

It uses more covert, deceptive and dangerous methods, such as intelligence wars, political wars, diplomatic wars, trade wars, financial wars, tech wars, cyber wars, legal wars and psychological wars to attack international rivals, destabilize foreign societies, topple foreign governments, and seize political and economic interests.

This new form of warfare is diverse in pattern and intensity. It is built on America's military strength and what the country has achieved through hot wars, but transcends the traditional framework of military confrontation with its pattern and intensity totally dependent on America's national interests. The disastrous consequences it entails such as panic, social disorder, economic crises, political division and civil wars are borne by the people in the target country.

A prominent feature of America's hybrid warfare is the strategy to break the enemy from within, meaning to clandestinely develop a fifth column in the target country under the cover of ideology and humanitarianism, with the aim to strike a blow to the country or even crush it through non-military means.

On the one hand, Washington, instigating propaganda and with financial support, tries to develop pro-America proxies among the political elites and authorities of the target country, nurture anti-government organizations within society, and remotely control the country's political and social agendas.

On the other, the U.S. exerts long-lasting ideological influence to erode traditional values and moral standards among people in the target country and reinforce their identity with American values – all in an attempt to make the public believe that Washington's intervention is a "just deed" where an advanced civilization tries to change a backward one for the better.

When the time is ripe, Washington can collude with the fifth column to put economic, political, diplomatic and psychological pressure on the target country, escalate its social and political malaise, stage mass unrest and even overthrow its government.

If none of this works, the U.S. military may force its way into the country in the name of protecting human rights, democracy and commercial freedom or tackling weapons of mass destruction.

Attack on all fronts




In the past 50 years, the tentacles of America's hybrid warfare have been felt on all fronts. The U.S. has played a role in almost all conflicts, chaos, fears and crises across the world. According to statistics from the China Society for Human Rights Studies, between the closing year of World War II and 2001, out of the 248 military conflicts that had occurred in 153 countries and regions, 201, or around 81 percent, were started by the United States.

The Middle East was undoubtedly the hardest hit region. From the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, to the Arab Spring, the U.S. turned the region into a testing ground for its hybrid warfare.

Central Asia, due to its indispensable significance in geopolitics and energy strategies, was once a playground for the American-style hybrid warfare, too. Between 2003 and 2005, anti-government forces in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan mounted mass protests at the instigation of the U.S., leading to regime change.

Another target of Washington's hybrid war efforts is Latin America, where the "Latin America Autumn" orchestrated by Washington in 2019 led to even more wide-spread chaos than "Havanan Summer."

Southeast Asia was not left untouched either. Washington's political intervention in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar has never stopped, at times even resulting in civil wars.

The top targets of America's hybrid warfare at the moment are apparently China and Russia. On Russia, the U.S. has launched propaganda campaigns through international media and online platforms to tarnish its international image and disturb social and political ideologies within the country. In addition, it actively supported the political opposition and social activist groups in finding the opportune time to stir up trouble, and imposed various economic sanctions to wreck Russia's economic and financial systems.

America's hybrid war efforts against China, which have been going on for decades, have become increasingly aggressive over the past few years. From clamping down on Huawei-represented Chinese high-tech firms to unilaterally starting trade and tech wars; from muddling the South China Sea in the name of freedom of navigation to spreading rumors about human rights in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region; from fueling and funding unrest in Hong Kong to repeatedly using the Taiwan question as a bargaining chip against China, the U.S. cooked up one tactic of hybrid warfare after another in an attempt to destabilize China, slow down its development, and curb its influence on the global arena.


Crises looming large




第三,混合战争催生了全球恐怖主义,加剧了全球文明冲突,必然反噬美国自身。如俄罗斯安全委员会秘书帕特鲁舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)所揭示的,正是美国在中东的混合战争,导致了恐怖主义和伊斯兰极端主义的出现。美国本土受到恐怖主义袭击,很大程度上就是其挑起文明冲突的结果。更具讽刺意义的是,美国后来的反恐战争不仅没能消灭恐怖主义,反而促成了恐怖主义组织的全球蔓延,在此蔓延过程中,美国扮演了推波助澜的角色。玩火易自焚。步步做大的恐怖主义威胁,将始终是美国的后患;身处文明冲突的迷局之中,美国的命运也将更不确定,而这恰恰是最让这个追求确定性、唯一性的“山巅之城”恐惧的吧。

The world has suffered from the American hybrid warfare too much and for too long. While many countries and societies are plunged into the quagmire of conflicts, Washington profits from their misery.

However, while hybrid wars have helped the U.S. to contain its rivals, they are also nibbling away at the foundation of American hegemony. For all the short-term benefit the U.S. has reaped, just as much long-term damage is inflicted upon itself. 

First, hybrid warfare has weakened America's international prestige and accentuated its dwindling confidence. While hybrid wars are said to bring about democracy, better human rights and social progress, they usually end up with political decline, humanitarian disasters and social decay. This in turn hollows out the basis of American values, making people doubt Washington's empty promises and grand rhetoric.

Hybrid wars running rampant indicate that hypervigilance and the abuse of deterrent power is the signature of America's international existence and its mentality in dealing with international relations. As a result, its imagined enemies far outnumber the real ones. Such a sense of insecurity will only grow with the fall of American hegemony, wearing down Americans' confidence and further polarizing its political landscape.

Second, hybrid warfare has set many countries against the U.S., and driven Washington and its allies apart. Across the world, victim countries of open or secret U.S. intervention and manipulation are not in the minority. America's hybrid warfare, seen as a stumbling block for these countries' development, has drawn vehement international criticisms and will inevitably lead to ever bitterer hatred.

Even America's Western allies are taking preventative steps to shield themselves. According to media reports, in 2021, France's Ministry of National Education established Le Laboratoire de la République. It's a values-based think tank with a mission to shield France from color revolutions and to prevent the import of wokeism – a form of identity politics that pitches ethnic groups against each other, from the United States.

Furthermore, seeing their own global interests hurt by America's hybrid war efforts, American allies, for instance, the European Union, have begun to seek greater diplomatic and military autonomy, leading to the technical disintegration of the hegemonic alliance system.

Third, hybrid warfare has bred global terrorism and intensified the clash of civilizations. It will eventually backfire at the U.S. As the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev points out, it is America's hybrid warfare in the Middle East that has led to the emergence of terrorism and Islamic extremism.

Terrorist attacks on American homeland are to a large extent a result of the clash of civilizations provoked by Washington. Ironically, America's more recent counterterrorism wars, rather than eliminating terror attacks, spread terrorism across the world. Nurtured by the U.S., terror threats will remain a scourge for the U.S.

Lost in the clash of civilizations, America will be heading towards an even more uncertain destiny. Perhaps, this is exactly what this "city on a hill" that honors American exceptionalism fears the most.


