北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”近日引爆购买潮,导致“一墩难求”。在冬奥闭环里,冬奥特许商店门前总是排起长龙,全球各地人士竞相购买冬奥吉祥物等特许商品。 而在冬奥闭环外,冬奥特许商店排队的顾客也是一眼望不到尽头。 程序员邹先生告诉CGTN记者,他中午12点多就来到王府井特许冬奥商品店,排了两个多小时,现在“一墩难求”,只买到了印有“冰墩墩”头像的邮票。 邹先生排队购买冰墩墩纪念邮票 / CGTN 2022北京冬奥会2月3日:开幕在即 特许商品迎来选购热潮 Customers looking to buy Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics merchandise, especially the mascot Bing Dwen Dwen, formed a long queue outside the official flagship store at Wangfujing Street. The lovely mascots were sold out quickly this morning. 日本记者把冰墩墩寄回日本,全程兴奋看主持人开箱 因为太喜爱吉祥物“冰墩墩”,日本电视台记者辻岡義堂在中国社交媒体上走红。辻岡義堂来北京见到冰墩墩后立刻被圈粉,秒变“迷弟”,开启疯狂爆买模式,还将“冰墩墩”、“雪容融”等寄回了日本。当地时间2月4日,他在与日本电视台演播室连线时,全程兴奋地看着主持人现场开箱直播,这个片段在中国火遍全网。 A Japanese journalist has become one of the most popular topics in recent days along the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games for his crazy love with Bing Dwen Dwen, the Panda-shape mascot. Gido Tsujioka, an announcer from Japan's NTV, has earned himself a new name "Gido Dwen Dwen" after a sequence of video clips of Tsujioka went viral on social media, which showed how Tsujioka, during live news, "showed off" his collections of Bing Dwen Dwen badges, met Bing Dwen Dwen in person and excitedly promoted Bing Dwen Dwen to Japanese audience. “能再制作一个墩墩吗?不然回去不好交代啦” 2月5日,摩纳哥阿尔贝亲王在北京人民大会堂体验面塑制作。在完成了一个面人冰墩墩后,摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世请求工作人员再让他做一次,因为他有一对龙凤胎,如果只带一个冰墩墩回去,那就不好交代了。 In a video circulating online, Prince Albert II of Monaco received a dough figurine of Bing Dwen Dwen at Beijing's Great Hall of the People, before asking for a second one because he has twins. "Bing Dwen Dwen is lively, funny, witty, and of course full of positive energy. She has to be part of my collection, but [also] yours, and all the kids across the globe," said Christophe Dubi, Olympic Games Executive Director of the International Olympic Committee at Sunday's press briefing. “冰墩墩”设计团队负责人曹雪:“冰墩墩”表情包已上线! 自北京冬奥会开幕以来,冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”火爆赛场内外。7日,北京冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩设计团队负责人、广州美术学院视觉艺术设计学院教授曹雪介绍,“冰墩墩”表情包已在微信上线! 曹雪回忆,2018年10月,离冬奥会吉祥物设计征集截稿只有19天时,他和学生们才知道这个征稿信息。因为广东不下雪,主办方还曾对广东的设计者能否设计出冰雪运动的吉祥物有过疑虑。但曹雪对团队的学生们打气:也许我们确实没有见过冰雪,但正因为这样,我们可能对冰雪更有想象力和创造力。 Cao Xue is the designer of the mascot and the director at the School of Visual Art and Design at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Organizers from Guangdong Province also had doubts about whether Cao Xue could develop a mascot for the winter sports because it does not snow in Guangdong. But Cao gave her team a pep talk: "maybe we haven't seen snow and ice, but because of that, we might be more imaginative and creative about snow and ice." 除了冰墩墩,我们还有雪容融哦 2月6日,北京冬奥组委谈及“一墩难求“时表示,已和各生产企业进行了沟通,采取积极措施推进产品生产,将会有产品源源不断供应到市场,同时也提示大家,“不要忘记(北京冬残奥会吉祥物)雪容融哦。” On February 6, the Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games said that they had communicated with the manufacturers and would take positive measures to promote the production of the mascots. 推荐阅读: 北京2022年冬奥会,开幕! 为什么举办北京冬奥会有助于推动中国群众体育发展?圣火飞扬!2022年北京冬奥会火炬接力开始