
决策者 | IMF驻华代表处首席代表:重振国际合作精神,共同应对全球危机

CGTN CGTN 2022-04-28

Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Steven Alan Barnett is the International Monetary Fund's Senior Resident Representative for China. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.


The global economy faces considerable challenges posed by one crisis coming just after another, raising prices, straining incomes, and heightening economic uncertainty. Successfully navigating this environment demands a strong domestic policy response, and perhaps more importantly, a strong international response. That multilateral cooperation remains essential was a key takeaway from the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group.


Even before the pandemic, the global economy faced considerable challenges, notably climate change, and our shared future hinges on securing greener growth. Reinvigorating global trade, boosting productivity growth, and adapting to technological change, have also remained important priorities. 


Then came the coronavirus, and the resulting global economic contraction of more than 3 percent, the steepest downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. On top of the tragic human and social costs, the pandemic has also left considerable and lasting economic scars, especially in emerging and developing economies. 

随着新型冠状病毒疫情肆虐全球,全球经济下滑超过 3%,这是自上世纪30年代大萧条以来最严重的衰退。除了使人类生命健康和社会发展付出惨重代价之外,这场疫情还留下了相当持久的经济伤痕,特别是对于那些新兴和发展中经济体。 

Just as that crisis appeared to be easing, the global economy was hit by the war in Ukraine. Beyond the tragic human cost, the European economy is seeing a serious setback, including substantial output losses in Russia, Belarus, and of course Ukraine. It also has global spillovers, largely through rising food and energy prices. Price increases that hit lower-income families especially hard, as they spend a larger share of their income on food and energy. 


Reflecting these developments, our recent World Economic Outlook lowered the global growth forecast for this year to 3.6 percent. That’s down by 0.8 percentage point from our January projection and slower than last year’s 6.1 percent growth pace. It also reflected widespread downgrades for 143 economies together accounting for 86 percent of global GDP. 

以此为基准,我们近期发布的《世界经济展望》将今年的全球增长预测下调至3.6%。这比我们1月份的预测降低了0.8个百分点,低于去年 6.1% 的增速。占全球国内生产总值86%的143个经济体的增长预期也普遍面临下调。 

Policy challenges


Multilateral cooperation is essential, but domestic policies are also key for securing the recovery. Monetary policy must balance tackling inflation and safeguarding the recovery. Fiscal policy must balance support for the vulnerable with rebuilding fiscal buffers. More broadly, policymakers should not lose sight of the broader long-term challenges that existed before the pandemic. 


The IMF’s role is to offer a platform for its 190 members to work together, and we did just that when the pandemic hit, responding with a rapid reform of our lending toolkit to address grave challenges. We also extended substantial financial assistance through emergency financing and IMF-supported programs:  In the first two years of the pandemic, we approved $216 billion in loans to 92 countries, and more than half of recipients were our lower-income members. We also provided debt service relief for 25 of our poorest members through the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust. 


Signage outside the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headquarters in Washington, D.C., U.S., April 19, 2022. /CFP

In addition, our historic allocation of $650 billion of IMF Special Drawing Rights in August was the largest ever. This benefitted all IMF members, boosted reserves, helped build confidence, and sent a powerful signal of a cooperative multilateral response to the crisis. For emerging market and developing countries, the average allocation was equivalent to more than 2 percent of GDP.  Low-income countries are using up to 40 percent of their SDRs on essential Covid-related spending priorities, such as vaccines. 


And during the recent meetings, our Executive Board approved the creation of a Resilience and Sustainability Trust. This will help countries address challenges such as climate change and pandemics by providing more affordable longer-term funding and encouraging private investment.  


War and health


International cooperation is essential in many other areas: First, to end the war in Ukraine, which is causing global reverberations, especially in food and energy markets. Second, to confront COVID-19. To fight it, we need a variety of tools including vaccines, testing, and anti-viral treatments. And, importantly, these need to be deployed everywhere. This pandemic provides a great illustration of how health security really is economic security. 


Another key area is debt: 60 percent of low-income countries are in or near debt distress. The G20 put in place a framework to provide debt treatments to low-income countries. The challenge is to make it work better and faster. Timely and orderly debt resolutions are in the best interest of debtors and creditors.


Finally, there’s climate change. This fight is critical for the planet and for prosperity. With the right policies, the world can address rising temperatures in a way that is good for both the economy and the environment. These include carbon pricing, through a tax or other means; green investment, including by involving the private sector; and support for the vulnerable within societies and across countries to help smooth the adjustment. 


From pandemic to war, we can now see more clearly just how interconnected our global economy is – and why we must aim to avoid the costly toll of a lasting fragmentation into geopolitical blocs. Instead, renewing the spirit of international cooperation is the best path toward solving our greatest challenges.


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