Collected by the National Art Museum of China, the work "Geese on Taihu Lake" is regarded as an iconic Chinese oil painting. In 1974, Wu Guanzhong was painting the waterscapes of Taihu Lake while on a boat. As a flock of geese swarmed nearby to the food scattered by a farmer, the water seemed to come alive against the backdrop of the distant mountains. To capture the frenzy of the scene, the artist swiftly laid blocks of white on the canvas in a seemingly random arrangement. With red dots he then started marking the heads of geese. The pulsating brushstrokes captured the flock's dynamism and the charms of the lake, while the cooking fire and heavily laden clothesline established a human presence.油画起源于十五世纪的欧洲,明清时期传入中国。为使这种西方绘画形式更容易被国人所接受,吴冠中与其他同时代画家一同开启了“油画民族化”道路的探索与实践。1947年,吴冠中赴法国学习美术。西方现代的绘画技法和理念让这位年轻的画家感到惊叹,但他未被画中的内容和思想所征服;因为对吴冠中来说,烟雨江南的故乡记忆才是他心中最美的风景。1950年归国后,他尝试以西方的现代造型规律记写中国江南的人文风物,画出大美新中国。Oil painting originated in Europe in the 15th century, and was introduced to China over 400 years ago. To ensure that the Western painting style was more easily accepted by Chinese people, Wu Guanzhong and other painters started exploring ways of "nationalizing" oil painting by experimenting with different techniques and content.In 1947, Wu left for Paris to study fine arts. He marveled at the Western techniques and approaches, but not the subjects. In his heart, Wu still yearned for the beautiful scenery of his hometown. He returned to China three years later, and tried to apply Western visual vocabulary into his depiction of his native landscapes. His paintings captured the enchanting beauty of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, as well as the mountains and waters of southern China.吴冠中深谙东西方艺术精髓。他认为,中西结合是时代潮流。在代表作《太湖鹅群》中,西方油画中不常见的银灰,被他用于描绘江南水乡的春阴素素、平林默默,而高饱和度的纯色亮点,则成为了他心里姑苏生活的平平淡淡、趣意盎然。用起源于西方的油画,承载根植于东方的意境,吴冠中的油画作品蕴含着鲜明、浓厚的中国式人文情怀。基于民族审美情趣,画家将中国传统文化精髓融入油画创作中,为中国油画的发展开辟了新道路,并创造性地将中国艺术的精神与风貌推向了世界。Wu Guanzhong once said, "I want to build a bridge between the East and West, between the common folk and professional, and between the concrete and abstract." In his view, the integration of the East and West was a sign and trend of the times. In his representative work "Geese on Taihu Lake," the silvery grey strokes seldom seen in Western paintings accentuate the tranquil serenity of the springtime in eastern China. Meanwhile, the dabs of intense hues enliven the scenery.Combining the Western medium of oil painting with time-honored Chinese aesthetics, Wu Guanzhong's works convey a strong sense of Chinese expressiveness. Based on the national aesthetics, his paintings absorb the essence of Chinese traditional culture, integrating the charm of "the Orient" into his oil paintings. In addition, the artist has created many oil paintings with China's national characteristics, which broadened the artistic visions and painting concepts of his time, and also helped the world better understand Chinese art.