第五届中国国际进口博览会于周四闭幕。进博会这五年是中国坚持自由贸易并为世界提供市场的五年。进博会举办以来,世人看到“展品变商品、展商变投资商”,看到“头回客”变为“回头客”。进博会犹如一面迎风飘扬的自由贸易大旗,展示了中国对外开放的决心与携手国际社会共克时艰的信心。本期《指点财津》,CGTN Aaron Liu为你解读! After six days of dazzling exhibitions,
intense business negotiations, and contract signings, the fifth China
International Import Expo (CIIE) wrapped up on Thursday. Once again, the
CIIE has demonstrated the world's confidence in China's high-level opening-up,
their enthusiasm for sharing China's development opportunities, and their
common desire for an open world economy. In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's
Aaron Liu explains. 推荐阅读: 指点财津 | 开放之中国,世界之机遇 指点财津 | 坚持高水平对外开放,中国贸易大国地位更加巩固