编者按:《论中国(China Talk)》为国内外各界人士提供了一个面向全球的演讲平台,分享他们的中国故事和对中国各领域的深入观察。CGTN主持人王冠结合自己十余年来在世界各地的采访报道经历指出,中国努力推动构建新型国际关系, 是公共产品的创造者、增长和发展的驱动者、共识的构建者和平等的捍卫者。在G20峰会和APEC会议上,习近平主席也再次阐明中国主张——坚定不移推动构建人类命运共同体。内容仅代表作者的观点,而非本台观点。
Editor's Note: China Talk is a global platform where policy makers, business leaders, specialists and scholars, as well as celebrities share their China story and their perspectives on China's development. What kind of country does China want to become? Based on his decade-long experience as a field reporter, CGTN anchor Wang Guan says China promotes a new model of international relations by being a creator of global public goods, a driver of growth and development, a builder of consensus and a champion of equality. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily those of CGTN.
Hello and welcome to China Talk. I'm Wang Guan. Over the years, I got asked a lot of questions by my Western friends. Will the Chinese mainland reunify with Taiwan by force? What is the endgame of China's powerful leadership? Will China become the next hegemon as the United States and Great Britain once were? And as China projects its power, will it also project its system on the rest of the world?
大家好, 欢迎收看《论中国》。我是王冠。这些年来,我的一些西方朋友总会问。中国大陆会武力统一台湾么?中国强有力的领导层的终极目标是什么?中国会不会像美国和大英帝国那样成为新一代的世界霸主?中国在展示实力的同时,是否也会对外输出自己的模式?President Xi Jinping's remarks at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, his remarks at APEC in Thailand talking about an Asia-Pacific Community with a Shared Future, and his report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC, actually unlock the key to some of these questions. At them, President Xi hammered home the organizing principle of China's foreign policy. That is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. And there are different pillars of it, from the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative to the Global Security Initiative.习近平主席在印尼G20峰会(关于全球发展)的表述,在泰国APEC会议中对构建亚太命运共同体的强调以及他所做的党的二十大报告,其实都解答了上面的疑问。习近平主席强调,中国外交政策的优先宗旨是推动构建人类命运共同体。在这一理念引领下有很多具体倡议,比如“一带一路”倡议,比如全球发展倡议和全球安全倡议,所涉领域涵盖基础设施 、贸易、安全等等。I know it takes time to make sense of these political jargons...to read the tea leaves. I know that. It took me some time too. But today let me share with you what I saw over the years as I travel the world as a journalist.“读懂中国”需要点时间。这些我懂,我也花了不少时间去研究和探索。今天,我想跟大家分享下,这些年来我在世界各地采访报道时的所闻所感 。A recent trip took me to Montenegro. In 2014 this small Balkan nation decided to upgrade its one and only cross-country highway and China was chosen to be the partner to do it. Now, even before construction began, Western journalists had criticized the highway as "a road to nowhere," "China's debt trap" and "Beijing's strategy to draw southern Europe into its orbit."最近我出差去了黑山。2014年, 这个巴尔干半岛小国决定升级改造其唯一的跨国高速公路,中国企业被选为工程承建方。然而,项目还未开始施工时,西方记者便出言不逊,称这条公路是“死路一条”,是“中国设下的债务陷阱 ” ,“中国企图将南欧纳入其势力范围”。I found those assertions simplistic. So when I traveled to Montenegro to interview the country's President, I checked out this highway too. And I was stunned. This is the old highway. And this is the new one built by China. The old path is described by locals as "the death road" because there had been over a thousand cliff-falling fatalities over the decades. And the new one is a modern two-way six-lane drive that has had zero cliff-falling incident reported yet and it reduced travel time from Montenegro to Serbia from eight hours to just two.我认为这些论断都过于片面。所以在我去黑山专访该国总统期间,顺道体验了这条高速公路。我着实被惊艳到了。这是那条旧公路,而这是由中方承建的新公路。这条老路被当地人称为“死亡公路”,因为几十年来,上千人死于坠崖事故。而新公路拥有现代化的双向六车道,投运以来还未发生坠崖事故,它将黑山和塞尔维亚两地间的出行时间由原来的八小时缩短至两小时。A farmer from Montenegro told us that for what used to be a two-day trip, he can now leave his farm in the morning, travel to the nation's capital down the south for a business lunch and come back home to his wife and kids before sunset. This country's President told me that he believes this new road actually helps the country integrate into the European heartland, not pull it away from it.一位黑山的农民告诉我,曾经需要两天的行程,现在他可以早上离开自家农场,驱车到南部的首都开个午餐会,然后在太阳落山前回到妻儿身边。黑山总统在接受专访时也告诉我,他相信这条高速公路可以将黑山与欧洲腹地连接起来,而非把黑山从欧洲大家庭中“割裂出去”。See? These are the voices missing from the Anglo-American media.And I must say the accusation that BRI projects are debt traps is as biased as it is condescending. I mean take the highway in Montenegro for example, it costs 20 million euros per kilometer. Yet Germany spent 29 million Euros per kilometer on its mountain highways. Romania, 34 million euros. And France, 133 million euros.我必须说,指责中国“一带一路”项目造成“债务陷阱”, 不仅偏狭,而且还很傲慢。以黑山南北高速公路为例,这条路每公里造价为2000万欧元。相比之下,德国的山地公路建造成本为每公里2900万欧元。罗马尼亚的达到3400万欧元,法国则达1.33亿欧元。Can people do some expose stories about those projects too, please?This is just a case in point. The BRI, initiated in 2013, is on track to deliver thousands of such projects — roads, bridges, ports, and green power plants — in over 140 countries. From Pakistan's Gwadar port that turns a sleepy fishing town into a vibrant trade hub, to the new railway between Hungary and Serbia that increased traveling speed from 40 kilometers per hour to 200, to one of the largest underground hydropower plants in Uganda that reduces the country's dependence on fossil fuel.以上只是一个例子。“一带一路”倡议于2013年提出以来 已经得到140多个国家响应,交付数千个包括公路 桥梁 港口和新能源电站在内的项目。巴基斯坦瓜达尔港建设项目 让一个慢节奏的渔村摇身变为充满活力的贸易中心。匈塞铁路改造项目将列车的行驶速度从每小时40公里提高到200公里。(中企承建的)卡鲁玛水电站是乌干达在建的最大的水电站, 该项目发电厂房为地下厂房结构,该水电站能够有效减少乌干达对化石燃料的依赖。The World Bank estimates that the BRI projects could lift 7 million people out of poverty worldwide and boost global trade by over 6 percent. And I don't even want to get to the "BRI is China's neocolonialism" stuff. I mean, did people forget which empire had blood on its hands in Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Uganda and South Africa? Or did people forget which country's intelligence agency helped overthrow the governments in Chile, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama?世界银行估算 “一带一路”项目, 可使全球超700万人摆脱极端贫困,带动整个世界贸易增长6%以上。至于所谓“‘一带一路’是新殖民主义”的指责,我都不想去反驳。难道大家忘记了,是哪个帝国的手上沾满了尼日利亚、加纳、津巴布韦、乌干达和南非人民的鲜血?还是说大家忘记了,是哪个国家的情报机构策动推翻了智利、玻利维亚、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜和巴拿马等国的政府?Instead of conquering other nations through the barrel of the gun, or subverting regimes they don't like by force, or sometimes by delivering cookies on the street — you know what I am talking about, China has provided other countries with infrastructure, with trade, and with development. At G20, China says global development going forward should be more inclusive, more resilient and beneficial to all. 中国从未通过坚船利炮征服其他国家,也没有通过武力颠覆自己不喜欢的政权或者在其他国家街道上(给示威者)发小饼干。懂得都懂。相反,中国为其他国家提供的是基础设施 、贸易和发展机会。在G20峰会上,中国提出未来全球发展应该更加包容、更有韧性、更加普惠 。As I travel, I come to realize that most people around the world are not interested in great power politics, or in politics. Period. They care about issues concerning their own lives.在外报道期间,我逐渐意识到,世界上多数普通民众并不太关心大国政治,或者说干脆不关心政治。他们更关心生活中的柴米油盐。A mother in Los Cabos, Mexico told me she wanted her son to one day leave the slum they currently live in to receive proper education.墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯的一位母亲对我讲,她希望儿子有朝一日能够离开他们目前居住的贫民窟,接受良好的教育。A young student in Karachi, Pakistan told me he's praying that there will be no more terror attacks in his community, so he doesn't have to worry about the safety of his two sisters.巴基斯坦卡拉奇的一名年轻学生跟我说,他祈祷自己的社区不再发生恐怖袭击。这样他就不必担心自己两个妹妹的安全了。A diplomat from Maldives wanted to see drastic measures on climate change because she said her country is sinking.一位马尔代夫外交官希望各国采取有力措施应对气候变化,因为她的国家正在被海水淹没。And an American farmer in Texas said he doesn't want the container carrying the goods to his customers to be hijacked by pirates again.得克萨斯州的一位美国农民对我说,他不希望给客户发货的集装箱再次被海盗劫持。See? Many of these are non-conventional security threats, which lead to my next point, that is, other than being a development leader, China has been a global leader for peace too.看到没?我们面临的许多挑战都是非传统安全威胁。这也是我接下来要表达的观点,中国不仅是全球发展的领导者,还是全球和平的领导者。Peace — obtained not through exclusive alliances but through inclusive partnerships in churning out global public goods in climate, counter-terrorism, anti-piracy, peacekeeping, food security and public health. In the past decade, China has launched an aggressive campaign to "greening" its economy and society, and has contributed 40 percent to global growth in renewables.中国促进和平的方式,不是通过建立排他性的联盟而是通过建设包容性的伙伴关系,在气候、反恐、 反海盗、 维和 、粮食安全 、公共卫生等领域提供全球公共产品 。十年来,中国积极推动绿色经济建设,对全球可再生能源增长的贡献率达到40% 。Working in concert with other countries, the Chinese PLA Navy has made over 1400 patrol missions in the Gulf of Eden to deter pirates and escorted over 7000 commercial vessels passing through the sea lanes, half of which non-Chinese.中国人民解放军海军与多国部队合作,在亚丁湾执行了1400多批次护航任务,震慑周边海盗,护航商船7000多艘次,其中外国商船占比过半 。The result? In 2011, 160 piracy attacks were recorded in the Gulf of Eden. And by 2022, maritime piracy reached its lowest level since 1994.结果呢?2011年 亚丁湾发生了160起海盗袭击事件。而到2022年,海盗袭击事件降至1994年以来的最低水平 。At the G20 in Indonesia, President Xi called for the establishment of the Global Clean Energy Cooperation Partnership, and put forward the International Cooperation Initiative on Global Food Security. And Beijing has exported or donated over 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to other countries.在印尼举办的G20峰会上,习主席呼吁建立全球清洁能源合作伙伴关系并提出国际粮食安全合作倡议。中国向其他国家提供了超过20亿剂新冠肺炎疫苗。At home, China defies gravity by demonstrating that modernization doesn't necessarily mean Westernization, and that neoliberalism is not the only viable option towards economic prosperity. 在国内,中国砥砺前行,以其发展历程证明现代化并不等同于西方化,新自由主义并非是实现经济繁荣的唯一途径。And aboard, China redefines global leadership previously marked by bloodshed, by conquest and by domination, and shows that a global leader can be and should be a creator of public goods, a driver of growth and development, a builder of consensus and a champion of equality.在海外,中国重新定义全球领导力,不走以流血、征服和霸凌为代表的西方老路。中国向世界彰显新时代全球领导者应有的样子,那就是:公共产品的创造者,增长和发展的驱动者,共识的构建者和平等的捍卫者。《论中国》| 推动中阿关系新发展 共建人类命运共同体