Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema is the Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
编者按:“决策者”(Decision Makers)是一个全球平台,供决策者分享他们对当今世界重大事件的见解。作者伊丽莎白·穆雷玛(Elizabeth Maruma Mrema)是《生物多样性公约》执行秘书长。文章仅代表作者观点,非CGTN本台观点。
One million plant and animal species are facing extinction, many within recent decades. This is as much about nature as it is about us: All human communities – in cities, rural areas, or forests – have relied on biologically diverse and vibrant ecosystems.
Nearly one out of two human beings – three billion people worldwide – do depend directly on natural resources for their livelihoods and, in many cases, their daily subsistence needs.
The consequences of a mass extinction event that is at play remain hard to fathom. It will be dramatic and costly, as well as to adapt to the new world ahead of us, a world depleted so much of the natural world that we know. Biodiverse, well-balanced ecosystems provide climate moderation, fertile soil and foods, clean water, modern drugs, and the foundation of our economies.
The headline of about one million species that could vanish forever came from a 2019 report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, whose independent assessments provide valuable evidence for policy-making, and has appeared in many media outlets worldwide.
生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台(Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)2019年发布的一份报告显示,约一百万种物种正濒临灭绝。该组织所开展的独立评估为制定政策提供了宝贵的依据,其内容也被众多国际媒体引述。
This month, 195 countries and regions, and the European Union – all parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity – finally convene in Montreal, Canada. We know what must be done and we know more how to achieve it. This conference is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and build cooperation through multilateralism.
The presidency of the conference is with China and the event it is hosted by Canada, two of the largest countries by size and economic power that represent robust South-North collaboration, is a promising start.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks during the opening ceremony of the second part of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal, Canada, December 7, 2022. /CFPDetails are to be hammered out: The plan under discussion proposes protection of at least 30 percent of the world's terrestrial and marine areas by 2030 (30X30). It also advocates slashing $50 billion worth of nature-harmful subsidies that are given to agriculture, fisheries and other sectors.目前,一些细节仍有待敲定。尚在讨论中的计划提议包括,到2030年,全球至少30%的陆地和海洋区域(30x30)要得到保护,并提出削减对自然有害的农业、渔业以及其他产业补贴,总额达500亿美元。Addressing land and sea-use change, over-exploitation of natural resources, climate change, access to genetic resources, food systems, the spread of invasive alien species and animal-borne diseases through the loss of natural habitats (such as the Ebola virus disease, Lyme disease, SARS and possibly the coronavirus disease) are on the agenda.
会议还将讨论土地和海洋利用的变化、自然资源的过度开采、气候变化、遗传资源的获取、食物系统、外来物种入侵,以及自然栖息地丧失导致的动物源性传染病(如埃博拉、莱姆病、非典,新冠可能也属于此类疾病)。Whatever the details of the new deal on nature, it must reflect the latest scientific knowledge, as well as the traditional knowledge that drives the stewardship of nature by indigenous peoples and local communities.无论包含哪些具体内容,新的气候共识都必须反映最新的科学成果,也要体现一直以来指引原住民和地方社区自然保护实践的传统认知。Targets in the new global framework for this decade must be specific, measurable and – most importantly – adequately resourced. The UN Environment Program has just published its second edition of the State of Finance for Nature report, which concludes that financial flows to nature-based solutions must more than double by 2025 and triple by the end of the decade.新的十年全球生物多样性框架必须包含具体、可衡量的目标,最重要的是要有充足的资源作为依托。联合国环境规划署刚刚发布了第二版《自然融资状况》报告。报告指出,针对“基于自然的解决方案”的投资到2025年必须增加一倍以上,到2030年增加两倍以上。Financing is essential for plans to actually work. After all, targets are only as good as their implementation and in that respect, we've been failing: Many global targets were met at national levels, only six of 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets set in 2010 were even partially met by the 2020 deadline that world leaders set for themselves.融资对于计划的实际运作至关重要,而实际运作决定着目标的实现情况。就这一点而言,我们一直做得不好。很多全球性目标都止步于国家层面。就2010年设定的20个“爱知生物多样性目标” 来说,各国领导人设定的目标达成期限是2020年,但只有6个目标在这一年以前得以部分实现。Some may argue that on account of rising inflation, food and energy prices, this could be the wrong moment to invest in nature. Yet analysis has shown that delayed action could cost us more than double in the future. It's important to invest on nature protection and restoration now and we can still save big on food, health, energy and other costs.有些人可能会说,考虑到通货膨胀以及食品和能源价格上涨的问题,现在可能不是投资自然保护的正确时机。然而,分析表明,延迟行动可能会让我们在未来付出成倍的代价。现在就对自然保护和修复进行投资至关重要,我们仍可以在食品、健康、能源和其他成本方面节省大量资金。Given previous failures, many are hoping that the nature conference in Montreal would deliver the same transformative impact that the Paris Agreement had on tackling climate change. Indeed, we are pinning our hopes on governments delivering a "Paris Agreement for Nature." Of course, there's a risk in setting expectations too high, but the scale of risks nature is facing leaves no room to achieve our ambitious goals. We're living through one of the greatest species losses since the dinosaurs' demise. And if we fail to reach a historic deal on nature in Montreal that extinction of a million species will come close to reality.屡遭挫败之后,很多人期望蒙特利尔会议能够像《巴黎协定》那样对全球应对气候变化的行动产生变革性的影响,我们也确实希望各国政府能够缔结“自然保护方面的《巴黎协定》”。当然,期望越高失望可能会越大。但目前自然界面临的风险尤为巨大, 如不加以应对,我们的任何目标都无法达成。我们正处在自恐龙灭绝以来最大规模的物种灭绝时期,如果无法在蒙特利尔就自然保护问题达成历史性协议,那么上百万物种灭绝终将成为现实。Meanwhile, we're living through a time when vaccines are getting rapidly developed and distributed, when more food than ever before is being produced, and species hitherto on the verge of extinction are reappearing due to remarkable collaborations of people who care.与此同时,我们生活在一个疫苗能够得到快速研发和普及的时代,现在粮食生产比以往任何时候都更加充足,濒危物种因为有识之士的卓越合作而出现恢复性增长。Let us take these signs of hope and use them to fuel our steps toward a decade of action that stops and reverses biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.让我们在这些希望之火的激励下,共同迈进生物多样性和生态系统不断恢复的新十年。