借世界杯赛事的“东风”,中国义乌中小微企业的销售额实现了可观的增长,“义乌制造”产品占到整个世界杯周边商品市场份额的近70%。与此同时,这场全球足球盛会也点燃了中国国内的消费热情。本期《指点财津》,CGTN为你解读!The 2022 World Cup boosted sales of enterprises clustered in the Chinese city of Yiwu, the world's capital of small commodities, as the products made there have enjoyed nearly 70 percent of the market share of World Cup-related merchandise. Meanwhile, the global football extravaganza also fueled a consumption drive in the world's second-largest economy. In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Hou Jing tells us more. 推荐阅读:指点财津 | 通胀与能源危机造成欧洲多国面临经济衰退 指点财津|美国对古巴长期制裁凸显其霸权本质 指点财津 | 进博会展示中国坚持高水平开放的决心