
拍客独家| 第一视角直击土耳其、叙利亚地震现场

CGTN CGTN 2023-04-18

CGTN拍客内兰·埃尔登(Neyran Elden)连夜驱车前往重灾区附近的阿达纳市,记录在路途上的所见所闻。在埃尔登看来,前往地震受灾区的路途非常辛苦,由于大雪,她不得不多次改变行程计划,当到达阿达纳市后,现场的情况也让她备受感触。接下来,埃尔登将对地震的情况进行持续报道。

Strong earthquakes hit Türkiye on Monday, causing heavy casualties in the country and neighboring country Syria. CGTN Stringer Neyran Elden drove overnight to Adana, a city near the worst-hit areas, to record what she saw. For Eldon, the journey to the quake-hit areas was arduous, and she had to change her travel plans several times due to the heavy snow. When she arrived in Adana, the scene was also very touching. Eldon will continue to report on the earthquakes.
CGTN拍客胡萨姆·齐丹(Hossam Zidan)来到叙利亚受灾情况较重的地区阿勒颇,采访当地的民众及救援人员,画面中可见当地受灾情况严重,不断有伤者被送往救助点。

A series of devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria on February 6, killing more than 5,000 people and injuring thousands more. CGTN Stringer Hossam Zidan interviews local residents and a paramedic in Aleppo, Syria, where countless buildings have been toppled and rescue operations are underway.

