他是水墨画鹤的丹青妙手,也是多个国家重大项目的核心人物…鲁晓波教授的故事可以从改革开放初期考入中央工艺美术学院工业美术系讲起。在此后的40余年间,他投身信息艺术设计相关领域,在理论研究、艺术创作和设计实践等方面取得显著成果,他的成长有着中国设计学科发展的时代烙印。随着《文化速递》视线,走入清华文科资深教授鲁晓波的艺术故事,体会在水墨一笔一画下流露的哲学意境,品味中国传统造物思想与西方现代设计理论的融合,以及他对未来设计的展望。Science and art, ancient and modern, tradition and innovation...in Professor Lu Xiaobo's world, these are never separated but have always coexisted and been mutually reinforcing. Inspired by traditional Chinese water and ink culture since he was young, Lu found his dream in information art design and has made remarkable achievements in theoretical research, artistic creation and practical developments in this field. This is where different cultures can fuse together to create remarkable designs.