
Real Titanic! Chinese Guy Saves Love And Others From Sunken Boat

Xin L GuideinChina 2018-10-04


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The death toll after a boat carrying Chinese tourists sank off the coast of Thailand’s Phuket island climbed to 42 on Monday (July 9), with 15 people still missing, officials said. 

Rescuers have resumed a search for those still missing from the sunken vessel, the Phoenix, which capsized in rough waters on Thursday, carrying 93 Chinese tourists and 12 Thai crew and tour guides in one of Thailand’s worst recent accidents.


In this horrible accident, Zhang Haofeng and Feng Ying, a couple from Xinyang, Henan province, were on the boat. Hero Zhang saved his girlfriend and two other tourists on the boat when the accident happened, and after floating all night on the sea, he saved another tourist and managed to swim to the closest island, where they were rescued by a passing fishing boat.


After being rescued, Meng Ying’s mind was most concerned about fiancé Zhang Haofeng. They were both on the boat when the accident happened.


The moment the boat capsized, Zhang helped Meng put on a lifejacket and get on the lifeboat immediately. He noticed that there was an elderly couple struggling with the waves. Without a second thought, he gave the surfboard in his hand to the elderly couple and tried his best to push them toward the lifeboat.


The life boat was completely full. Strong waves washed Zhang away very quickly, and Meng couldn’t see a glimpse of him. Meng and their family members thought he wouldn’t make it, and that this pre-wedding trip was to be their last together.


But a news clip on TV on 6th June brought unthinkable joy to them, as they recognized Zhang in the clip!!!


This Chinese man with the short hair is Zhang. He couldn’t make it onto the lifeboat, so he grabbed a string of floating balls as he was swept away by the waves. It was dark and cold in the water, and without any food or water, he was helpless.

During the drifting and waiting for rescue, he found another guy in his life jacket drowning with no help, so he swam across to save him and share the floating balls with him. They had been floating with the waves all night, until later that night they helped each other to swmn to the closest island. They found a passing fishing boat and shouted out for help, at which point Zhang and the other tourist were rescued.


Zhang’s body was suffering from systemic edema and multiple stings from jellyfish. He is still in Thailand receiving treatment.


The heroic tale has been highly appreciated by social media users.


What would you do if you ended up in a situation like Zhang’s?


The GiC team kindly reminds you not to set off to sea during rainy season or when there are high winds and flash storms.

But what to do to survive in the sea when accident happen??

1 Calm down. Panic won’t help you, it can cloud your judgment and make you lose the rhythm of breathing.

2 Choose the right swimming style. The style of swimming you choose determines how long your strength will last. 1) In calm water, swim on your back. 2) If waves splash around you, swim on your belly.

3 Find something that floats

4 Take care of clothes. Open sunlight can be extremely dangerous.

5 Decide what you’ll eat

6 Provide yourself with liquid. Water is much more valuable than food. But never drink sea water.

7 Save yourself properly. If you have no idea where you are, don’t row. When you see a ship, better give a signal than rush over.

8 Don’t lose hope. Despair is your most dangerous enemy.

Here is a video about what to do to survive in the sea and why.


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