
Is She into You? How to Tell If a Chinese Girl Likes You

Suki C GuideinChina 2018-10-04

We asked some online users to describe their experience when it comes to figuring out whether a Chinese girl likes you or not. Have a read and let us know if you agree with them in the comment section at the end of this article!

Photo credit: baidu.com

Netizen@ Ryan Heard 

From my experience back in college, Chinese girls will usually try to find ways to constantly touch you at least once or twice. Since Asians are not typically known to be touched casually, if an Asian girl touches you at least once especially unnecessarily, then it's almost a guarantee that she's attracted to you. I noticed that Anna, one of the Asian girls who liked me, would always literally find ways to touch me whenever she wanted my attention when all she had to do was just say “hey” or “excuse me” to have my . Instead, she would always tap me on the back or shoulder (and pretty hard too). Most times, I found it annoying and it actually got to the point where I had to tell her that she can get my attention by just simply calling my name or something instead of always tapping me.

Netizen@ Joshua L.

I'm a black guy who’s dated 3 Chinese women. So I'm speaking from personal experience of being around a lot of Asian women of the signs I experienced that I personally think are indications that Asian girls show when they like a guy. Some of this is also perspectives I got from the Asian girls I was with by just simply asking them through a collection of conversations throughout several dates.

If they even give you their number for any reason, they like you. Asians are usually very conservative about who they date, get sexually involved with, or even socialize with. If you got the number, she might have similar intentions as you rather it be a date.


If you get the number and they text you first, then you reply back to her texts, then expect her to text you back extremely fast. It happened to me and it was almost immediately. That means she interested in you.


Netizen@ Quang Son Vu

She appreciates you because you are special in one respect or she admires you, of course, there is a possibility that she may be attracted to you.

You know, Chinese women are mostly shy and they rarely express their true feelings to other people, so when she says she likes you, I guess the answer is that she actually has a crush on you.

Netizen@ Gawaine Ross

Good question. Chinese people are still strongly oriented to gender roles, which would seem to indicate Chinese women want to be wooed and pursued, not the other way around. Chinese people are very practical, but they dislike confrontation, and simple statements of need from a relative stranger are probably threatening. It’s probably a good idea to talk to some Chinese friends about this.

Netizen@ Brian Smith

Alright, I am not an expert but I have dated Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian, Ukrainian, Russian, Columbian, Syrian, Iranian and American women. And I can tell you this: all women, regardless of their race or country of origin, are still women. The only possible difference between a “Chinese woman” and let’s say an “American woman” is that American women are more likely to approach you if she likes you, while Chinese or Japanese women are going to wait until you ask them out first.

Photo credit: baidu.com

So what do you think? Where do you stand among the comments made by those users? In my opinion, the following signs help me tell whenever a Chinese girl likes me or not:


They look at you without breaking eye contact. Since Asian girls are typically very shy regarding almost everything, if a Chinese girl likes you, she'll get the courage to look at you for a prolonged period of time until you break eye contact from her first. She will always literally stare at you whenever she gets the chance and will never look away first until after you do. At this point, you may realize that she indeed has a serious crush on me.

Photo credit: baidu.com


You watch her body language. If she displays the following behaviors, that means she likes you :

Her pupil dilates: The human pupil dilates unconsciously when it sees something it likes. There is absolutely no way to fake this, so it 's a very reliable indicator of interest. The problem is that Asian eyes are black, which makes it harder for you to spot this indicator.

She preens her hair: This is the ancient way to attract the opposite sex. Preening releases female hormone in the air, which attracts males.

She follows you: That's obvious (and kinda creepy).

She changes her opinion for you: At the start of the conversation, she may say that she hates dogs but as the conversation progresses, you randomly say that you just love dogs. If she changes her opinion towards loving dogs, then it's certain that she likes you.

She qualifies to you: If she tries to prove that she is an attractive person by saying she is adventurous, open-minded, easy-going, etc. You can be confident that you've won her over.

She sticks closer to you: That 's obvious. If she turns her chest towards you, it's a positive sign.

She tries to earn your attention: By dressing sexy, telling jokes, being loud.

At the beginning, it's handy to keep a checklist like this in mind. Later, your instinct with girls will evolve, to the point you can tell if she likes you or not in a split second.


Take initiative to strike up a conversation.

In general, boys usually start talking to girls which often leads the girl to think that you’re a lecher. Since this is a typical way of making conversation, many girls tend to refuse it or treat the boy with disdain.

The opposite situation is when a girl takes the initiative to start talking to a boy and he in return will not say anything, as if this girl were lecherous - perhaps because of this unsettling wave of happy emotions flowing through his veins and brains (in other words, because a girl is talking to him)?


So when a girl takes the initiative to talk to a boy, aside from work situations, this very likely means that she’s attracted to him. Otherwise, she’d probably rather be beaten to death than risk the kind of social criticism that goes along with that behavior.


'Sa jiao' (behaving like a spoiled child) in front of you.

Women who act like spoiled children have been talked about many times. If we say this behavior is the mark of an open/loose woman, it seems a little like depriving other women of being able to do this. To put it another way, if you act like a spoiled child in front of the man you like then you’re already quite open enough.

Hmmm, as a Chinese girl, from my point of view, eye contact is important. Maintaining eye contact is key when you’re trying to create rapport with someone new. In many cases, women will not make eye contact with you if they aren’t interested. You can tell a lot about a woman from her eyes. If her pupils are dilated, she’s probably pretty interested in what’s going on. If you notice that she’s always looking away, she might not be into you. 

All that being said, I’m personally more curious about the signs I should be looking out for to know whether a man is interested in me or not. Any advice? Share your comments below!


Photo credit: baidu.com

Gentlemen, I wish you the best of luck in your search of your Chinese girlfriend.

Source: Quora

Supervisor: Crystal Huang

Editor: SC

Co-Editor: Ed Bellin

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