
Unbelievable Home Remedies To Kill Cockroaches

GiC Team GuideinChina 2019-03-29

According to entomologists’ scientific estimations, there are more than ten million species of insects in the world, a figure that is difficult to imagine but backed up by statistics. Typically, if asked, most people will agree that the lowly cockroach is the insect that they despise the most. The most obvious reason for this widespread loathing is their scary appearance and the prominent health risks, some that are even fatal, associated with them. Apart from carrying various diseases, sanitation can be significantly compromised by the presence of cockroaches. As a result, many people won’t hesitate to spend a lot of money on expensive insecticides and other deterrents. Thankfully, there are a number of effective home remedies that can be used to get rid of this untidy pest. Some foreigners might not have encountered cockroaches previous to their time in China and will be able to use this handy guide to discover several useful and inexpensive home remedies.

Bay Leaves

These miraculous leaves act as a repellent to many insects, including cockroaches. These are easily available at your local market and frequently used in Chinese recipes. Just place some leaves at the corners of each room, in the drain of your kitchen and bathroom sinks, and anywhere else that could be used by cockroaches as an entry point to your home. You can also place a small packet of bay leaves in your wardrobe and closets to fend off cockroaches and protect your clothes and other valuable items.

Petroleum Jelly Trap

This creative invention is an effective way to protect food products and other items from the fecal trails of cockroaches. Take an empty bowl with some bait food inside and apply petroleum jelly to the rim. The cockroaches will climb the bowl in an attempt to get to the food and find themselves trapped inside, unable to escape due to the jelly on the rim.


Lemons have natural anti-pathogenic properties. Simply place some lemon slices in a container with food as a trap. Another useful method is adding some lemon juice to water and using it to mop the kitchen and other rooms. It also helps to use a small towel to wipe down counters and cabinets. The citrus repels the cockroaches, who cannot stand the smell.


Another natural way to get rid of cockroaches is with cucumbers. Cucumbers are non- toxic and serve as excellent repellents to keep cockroaches out of the home, especially the kitchen. Place some cucumber slices overnight around the corners of the kitchen, in cabinets or sinks and anywhere else the cockroaches may be active.

Coffee Trap

Fill the bottom of a jar with ground coffee to attract the cockroaches, who are attracted to the smell of caffeine. Fill the jar with water so that cockroaches drown when they try to exit the jar. The water blocks their pores and makes it impossible for them to breathe. 

Despite all of the above home remedies, your most effective defense against cockroaches and other pests is to keep your space neat and tidy. Here are a few more steps to help keep your home pest-free:

Seal crevices in the walls, doors, and cabinets.

• Seal drain pipes and sink outlets properly.

• Store food in airtight jars and containers.

• Dispose of garbage properly, take out of the house often and clean the dustbins.

• Use trash bins with lids that seal. 

Editor: Crystal Huang 

Author:Khurram Raza

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