
Anti-NCP/All students are requested to report in CAFA APP daily.

CAFA Anti-NCP 中央美院学生工作 2020-08-31


Dear students




In order to fulfill the prevention and control of the Novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP), collect the situation of all students timely and accurately, prepare for the network teaching, according to the work plan of the Ministry of Education and Beijing and the actual situation of our school, after several days of hard work by the Student affairs department of the party Committee, the Network Center, the academic affairs office, the graduate school and all the departments, all students have completed the installation and registration of the "central academy of fine arts" App (for installation and registration, please refer to the guide for the use of online teaching!) From now on, students will report daily through the "Epidemic Report" module in the App. 



This set an important foundation for the prevention and control of NCP. In order to resolutely win the war against NCP, all students are requested to complete the daily report on time and truthfully. 



Daily Reporting Time 



Starting from Monday, February 10, 2020, all students are requested to truthfully fill in their personal information through App between 0: 00 and 12: 00 (Beijing time) every day (please notice the time difference for students currently abroad); the "closing time" of the system is 12 am every day.




Operating Guidelines for Reporting



(1) Open the "Central Academy of Fine Arts" App and select the "Epidemic Report" module in the "Service" menu at the bottom of the interface. 


(2) Select the department (or teaching unit) according to the menu and select "Next Page".


(3) Fill in the information on time and truthfully, and click "Next Page" to complete the submission.




Precautions for Filling-in 



(1) Please sign in every day before the "closing time".


(2) After the start of online teaching, sign in every day to record the students' attendance results. The App is the official technical platform for the upcoming online teaching.


(3) Each student can only sign in once a day, please do not submit multiple times. The data submitted without clicking "Next Page" will not be retained by the system and will need to be filled in again.


(4) According to the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, anyone refusing to sign in or falsify data and causing serious consequences, will be subject to disciplinary action and other corresponding treatment. 


(5) If you have any physical discomfort, please contact your counselor to report as soon as possible.


(6) “Please choose your hometown”: International students choose “Beijing”.


(7) All the international students ignore this article.


(8) "Are you in Beijing": refers to whether you are in Beijing at this moment (including Yanjiao Campus).


(9) Some questions need to be filled in in detail. Please fill in the relevant information accurately.



The virus is merciless,but CAFA is affectionate.


Based on our data, the CAFA students are spreading all around world


CAFA is deeply concerned with everyone's safety and health.



Only by filling in the information on time and truthfully can ensure that everyone of CAFA survive the epidemic safely.


And minimize the impact



Please do not leave home, return to Beijing (including Yan Jiao), and return to campus, until noticed by CAFA.




When the epidemic situation is relieved, all the teachers and students will meet again safely and healthily on campus.


Central Academy of Fine Arts



Leading Group of NCP Prevention and Control


NCP Prevention and Control Group of Students


February 9, 2020


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主编 郭丽
审核 李贞汗编辑 陆亚文翻译 国际合作与交流处

