According to 2014 report, there are 1215 rhinos killed in South Africa alone within a year.Poachers usually leave rhinos alive, waiting to die alone in pain after cutting its horns.
Rhino, South Africa, poaching. They sound so far from our life. However, it starts here around us in Asia, China and Vietnam are the two major market of rhino horn products.
What can we do to make a change?
2017年初,应南非Peace Parks Foundation之邀,同济大学设计创意学院部分师生团队开始着手开展"关注犀牛,禁用犀牛角,捍卫生态系统"的公益活动,运用设计思维引导公益创新,希望将所学所感更多的融入到社会创新中。
After studying about the benefit chain, we all believe that arising awareness and reduce the consumption is the key.
Studio -the Birds小组
Studio -the Birds以"为犀牛骑行 "为主题,以犀牛角为元素设计骑行口罩。将犀牛所受的盗猎之痛与我们所受雾霾之苦相联系,通过同理心提高人们对犀牛的保护意识。
Nola is a reliable health care product specially designed for riders. It is intended to raise people’s awareness of self-protection and closer the distance between people and rhino by creating the sensation of rhino.
同时小组还组织了"三校联合,夜骑上海——我为犀牛启路 "的活动。
The team has also organized an riding event that involved Tongji, Fudan and SUFE, three universities together, with the theme of "Ride for Rhinos".
Rhidopter 项目小组
Rhidopter 项目设计了一个犀牛孤儿领养系统 ,通过"犀牛躲子弹"的网络游戏与大众在线互动,同时在学校宣传和课堂活动中推广犀牛保护计划。
Rhidopter team designed a remote virtual adoption system for orphan rhinos. By launching an online mini game featuring a rhino trying to dodge the bullets, and educational activities in schools, Rhitopter team managed to draw much attention.
The online and offline activities are designed to engage the audience later to its app where the user can give real contribution by either donate or virtually adopt an orphan baby rhino in acrowd-founding way, and check its real-time updates of the rhino baby.
ICEROS team designed a series of figurines, with different horns to be attached. It is also a symbol of "giving back the horn to rhino" when attaching the horn to the Rhino figurine.
The team has been to several design fairs,and received positive feed backs from both kids and grow-ups.
Check out the video for all the design approaches to save rhino.
不 ,在支持方——来自南非的Peach Parks Foundation(PPF) 的邀请下,Rhino项目的成员在7月底前往南非进行了实地访问。成员们不仅与一线野生动物保护组织PPF进行了深入交流,也在当地展示了自己的设计成果。他们还希望能与当地的一些公益组织合作,将设计方案真正落地,为保护犀牛贡献一份自己的力量。
It it not the end yet. Selected students from rhino project will go to South Africa to visit the frontier of wild animal production, invited by the initiator and supporter Peace Parks Foundation. In this trip, we are going to introduce our design and approaches to save rhino, looking for further development and trying to put some design into production.
感谢Peace Parks Foundation与doo+ vibe 共益创新大会对该项目的大力支持!
文字 | 唐诗
编辑 | 榴莲、睿妍
责编 | 徐徐