
我院Aldo Cibic教授获Design Shanghai Picks特别大奖

一年一度的设计行业盛会“设计上海”2021于近日在上海世博展览馆落幕,Design Shanghai Picks特别大奖也在展会最后一天揭晓,我院Aldo Cibic教授设计的作品TIBETAN获此殊荣

The annual design event Design Shanghai 2021 recently ended at the Shanghai Expo. The Design Shanghai Picks Special Award was also announced on the last day of the exhibition. “Tibetan” designed by Professor Aldo Cibic of D&I was awarded this award.

Design Shanghai Picks特别大奖由设计上海荣誉出品,以表彰参展品牌、设计师在设计理念、制作工艺、文化艺术等领域的卓越表现。除了关注美学和设计风格方面的优异表现,Design Shanghai Picks更关注在对当代文化环境的深入理解、对过去及未来的洞见的基础上,推动和促进全球设计的交流,支持年轻设计师、设计品牌的成长。


The Design Shanghai Picks special award is honorably presented by Design Shanghai in recognition of the high standards of participating brands and designers in the fields of design concept, production technology, culture, and art. In addition to the excellent performance in aesthetics and design style, Design Shanghai picks is based on in-depth understanding of the contemporary cultural environment and insight into the past and future, promoting global design interaction, supporting young designers and the growth of design brands. Starting from exploring the roots of art and design, the judges conducted a comprehensive observation on the design of all participating brands from the perspectives of design concept, product technology, and practical application, and finally selected 25 works including furniture, materials, lighting and handicrafts to award the award.



"It makes me think of something that was already done in the back of my mind, and that was waiting to come out”, says Aldo Cibic about his “Tibetan”, a four-door cabinet with a red lacquered ashwood frame and mirrors in OSB panels. The idea was to create a joyful and colorful cabinet, choosing an honest and common material, making it precious through the use of bright and bold color and the touch of naive gold leaf motifs, inspired by nature.


展会期间,Aldo Cibic教授携包括获奖作品在内的6件作品进行了国内首展亲自设计了当代家居馆中央展位C337。

During the exhibition, Professor Aldo Cibic held the first exhibition in China with 6 design works including award-winning works, and designed the central booth c337 of the contemporary home furnishing Museum.



"Design Shanghai" 2021 focuses on the topic of "regeneration design" in the global design field, explores the innovation of regeneration design concept, technology update and material innovation together with professionals in the industry, including designers, design brands and professional buyers, and leads the two-way integration of regeneration design and sustainable living mode. At the exhibition site, more than 400 leading design brands at home and abroad, more than 150 global design pioneers, more than 1,000 new design products released globally, more than 150 media partners involved, and nearly 70,000 visitors came to the exhibition. During the four-day exhibition, the participating brands and designers of the eight theme sections of contemporary design, classic & Luxury design, kitchen & bathroom design, workplace design, new materials & applications, objects & accessories, collectible design and talents brought their own brand-new design works and product series, showing their skills on the industry platform of "Design Shanghai", Give people a refreshing industry atmosphere in the "post epidemic" era.


上海的UFO:意大利设计大师Aldo Cibic的中国小窝

设创人物 | Aldo Cibic——幸福的设计师

素材整理 | 李东辰
翻译校对 | 周慧琳
编辑 | 榴莲
责编 | 伊文

