
重磅预告 | 2021环同济设计周:新格局 A NEW LANDSCAPE

TJDW 同济大学设计创意学院 2022-05-21





The Main Theme


A New Landscape


China finds itself at a historic crossroads. The coming century of its advancement, and its place on the world stage, will depend primarily on our attitude toward growth. At stake is how well we adapt to new growth strategies, implement bold new plans, develop new growth patterns, and promote high-quality development, all in the name of the public good. With these impending challenges, the role of design takes on an unprecedented relevance. At the same time, the challenges for design have become enormously complex and unpredictable. Using design to explore problems and implement solutions is essential, such as when seeking useful applications of cutting-edge technologies for human ends. And yet it seems that what is in fashion is to enthusiastically conjure up fantastical, often unrealistic plans for humanity’s future. Somewhere between these two extremes lies a truer and more profound place for design in the 21st century.


Although the coronavirus pandemic is still ravaging the world, this crisis will eventually subside; new patterns are already taking form, and now design must cope with these seismic shifts. Big data, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, and green technologies promise important development opportunities for design-led industrial upgrading as well as for urban transformation. Human beings’ unique capability to design now becomes a collective intelligence integrating humans with the machine world. In order to alleviate the tensions between humanity and nature, and to reverse the estrangement between individual and community, we must embrace a design ethic that emphasizes symbiotic configurations of community, the commons, and property. Meeting deadlines for peak carbon and carbon neutrality cannot be separated from the task of uniting to build a framework of design strategies and actions aimed at preserving communities of life on Earth. Shanghai is currently making every effort to create a model of the “design-driven city.” Maintaining high-quality sustainable development in Shanghai calls for the methods, tools, and practices of complex systems design.

2021环同济设计周将与上海设计周携手,推进世界一流“设计之都”的建设。本届设计周以“新格局 A New Landscape”为主题,以习近平“人民城市”重要理念阐发地的杨浦滨江为主场,联合环同济知识经济圈和设计产业集群,计划举办论坛、展览、讲座、工作坊等30余项精彩活动。作为核心学术活动的“新兴实践”设计研究与教育会议(EPC 2021)迎来十周年纪念。本次会议将重点探讨设计研究和设计教育如何超越学科间的差异,提出面向未来、共同进化(co-evolution)的新倡议。

Tongji Design Week 2021 will join hands with Shanghai Design Week to promote the construction of a world-class “design city.” This year’s theme is “A New Landscape,” and the Yangpu Riverbank — where in 2019 President Xi Jinping introduced the important concept of a “People’s City” — is the main venue. Together with the Tongji Knowledge Economy Circle and the Design Industry Cluster Initiative, the program will include more than 30 stimulating activities including forums, exhibitions, lectures, and workshops. As the program’s core academic activity, the 2021 “Emerging Practices” Design Research and Education Conference (EPC 2021) will celebrate its tenth anniversary. This conference will focus on exploring how design research and design education can transcend the differences between the design and other disciplines and propose future-oriented co-evolutionary initiatives.

2021环同济设计周各项活动将于12月在上海展览中心(友谊会堂)、杨浦滨江南段(毛麻仓库)、四平路1028弄(NICE 2035)和同济大学设计创意学院等地举行。

Tongji Design Week 2021 will be held in December in four locations: the Shanghai Exhibition Center (Friendship Hall), Yangpu Binjiang South (in Yangpu’s historic Hemp Warehouse), Siping Road 1028 (NICE 2035), and also at Tongji University’s School of Design and Innovation.




Core Academic Conference


Tenth Annual “Emerging Practices” Design Research and Education Conference (EPC 2021)

主题:共同进化 Co-evolution


“Change” is an intrinsic aspect of the practice of design. Design’s essential role is to actively deal with change in the world. New design issues, concepts, practices, tools, and techniques are constantly emerging in response to the constantly changing socio-economic-technical-environmental conditions. Today, we face “the vicissitudes of the coronavirus and the associated problems with economic recovery,” as well as “regional revitalization,” “peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality”—and many other new missions. These are challenges for which design must resolutely respond and pursue change.

三十多年前,设计学者借鉴生物学关于“演进”的理论,逐步发展出一个对理解设计过程产生巨大影响的概念——“设计共同进化” (design co-evolution),描述设计在解决问题的过程中,问题空间和解决方案相互作用、促进彼此发展。“共同进化”不仅阐释了设计解决问题的过程中探究者与周遭环境的有机互动,更揭示出应变求变中相互作用的各种力量及其变化。

More than 30 years ago, design researchers borrowed from traditional evolutionary theory in biology, and what ultimately emerged was the concept of design co-evolutionary. With this formula, the design process considers both problem space and solution space as following concurrent and interactive progress in their mutual development. “Co-evolution” does not merely explain the organic interactions between inquirer and his or her environment during the design process as problem solving; it also reveals qualities of resilience and the powers of transformation as these interactions unfold.


The pursuit of change that drives mankind to move boldly into the future is not limited to the design field: of this we are acutely aware. In fact, the power of design-driven innovation has yet to be fully appreciated by other disciplines. Even within design, the pluralism of research paradigms has led to a lingering ambiguity around design as a discipline. It is now left to design to articulate a more influential and convincing case, both for itself and for allied fields.


The question is, how can design adapt to the radically changing world, perpetually transforming itself as it transforms the world around it? For design practice, research, and education, we can adapt the above evolutionary frame to a related question: what are the designated trajectories of these three co-evolving subfields? We are concerned with how design will interact with other disciplines to  forge new shared paths for knowledge production, intersection, and integration; how innovation in design can enable synergies with innovation in science and technology, culture and art, and business, so as to give greater meaning to the very concept of innovation; how the design industry might assist the manufacturing and service sectors in their transformation and upgrading processes, in order to help bring forth emerging industries; how the training ecosystem in design education might shape future talent, while also attending to its own self-improvement. It is quite irrelevant who among the stakeholders will drive and who will be driven; instead, the program must be, once again, a “co-evolution”: one of reciprocal coordination, interactive feedback, codevelopment—and common progress.











国务院学位委员会设计学学科评议组、教育部高等学校设计学类专业教学指导委员会、全国艺术专业学位研究生教育指导委员会艺术设计专业分委会、上海市科技艺术教育中心、上海市艺术教育委员会、上海市工业设计协会、上海市艺术教育协会、西岸艺术与设计创新未来教育博览会、上海市青少年创意设计院、MANA全球新媒体艺术平台、同济未来需求实验室 NEEDS(深圳)、世界设计组织(WDO)、国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟(CUMULUS)、牛顿科研基金(NEWTON FUND)、FABLAB全球网络


中国工业设计(上海)研究院股份有限公司、上海同济天地创意设计有限公司、TX淮海、美国Genslar(上海)建筑事务所、科思创聚合物(中国)有限公司、芬欧汇川/UPM、阿斯顿马丁(中国)有限公司、阿普塔(中国)投资有限公司、卡奥斯COSMOPlat、深圳安吉尔饮水产业集团有限公司、柏丽(中国)厨具有限公司、小红书、极致盛放、Stratasys3d打印公司、Design HIT

主视觉 / 杜钦排版 / 郑茜予、 袁之淇编辑 / 榴莲责编 / 伊文

