2022年刚刚过去近日,广东佛山市公安局公布了佛山地区2022年新生儿取名热门名字其中,男孩名字拔得头筹的是“宇轩”女孩名的榜首是“心玥” Last year, the most popular first name for baby boys was Yuxuan, while Xinyue was favored by most parents as a baby girl’s name, according to data released by the Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau in Guangdong. “宇轩”超越“梓豪”成榜首 2022年,“宇轩”超越“梓豪”成为爆款名,大约每1000个男孩有1个叫“宇轩”。此前,霸榜热门单字“梓”曾连续5年占据榜首。 Yuxuan surpassed Zihao topping the list for baby boys, breaking the record of the character Zi that topped the list for five consecutive years from 2017 to 2021. There is one in every 1,000 boys named Yuxuan in the newborn population registered in Foshan in 2022. 排名第2至10的男孩名字为梓睿、梓豪、梓轩、俊宇、梓恒、星宇、铭轩、奕霖、子轩。图源:“佛山市公安局”微信公众号 Other popular names for males include Zirui, Zihao, Zixuan and Junyu. 男孩取名单字的前5名为睿、翊、朗、毅、宇。图源:“佛山市公安局”微信公众号 女孩起名“心玥”的最多 2022年女孩取名为“心玥”的最多,大约每1000个女孩里,有近3个叫“心玥”。 Xinyue topped the list for the most popular female baby name in 2022. There are around three in every 1,000 girls named Xinyue in the newborn population registered in Foshan in 2022. 排名第2至10的女孩名字为梓晴、玥瑶、昕玥、芷晴、语桐、诗玥、思玥、梓玥、乐瑶。图源:“佛山市公安局”微信公众号 Other popular female names include Ziqing, Yueyao, Xinyue, Zhiqing and Yutong. 女孩取名单字的前5名为玥、悦、琳、可、瑶。图源:“佛山市公安局”微信公众号 看完这些爆款名字有网友表示:“真是绝绝梓”“言情小说网文主角”的味道↓ 还有不少人觉得榜单里的好多热门名字已经连续霸榜多年了…… 人数最多的名字,还是 “俊杰” 佛山市公安局还发现,尽管宇轩、梓晴年年上榜,排名竞争也很激烈,但从2018年到2022年,佛山户籍人口中人数最多的名字一直是“俊杰”。大约一千个人之中,就有1个人的名字叫俊杰。 排名第2至10的名字为志强、嘉欣、丽华、丽娟、敏仪、敏、伟强、晓彤、丽萍。与2021年相比,丽萍进入前10位,丽珍被挤出前10位。图源:“佛山市公安局”微信公众号 Looking at a larger scale, Junjie was the most common name among all the registered residents in Foshan in 2022, with about one in 1,000 people named as such.
2022国外新生儿英文名,这两个仍旧霸榜 其实,不光中国的家长们在给孩子起名的时候绞尽了脑汁,国外的爸妈们在给新生儿起名时的烦恼也如出一辙。 美国知名育儿网站BabyCenter前段时间发布了2022年最受欢迎的新生儿英文名。BabyCenter网站截图 据英国《独立报》报道,近日, BabyCenter网站发布了一份报告,公布了2022年1月1日至11月1日期间“约41.6万名宝宝”的父母们选出的最受欢迎的100个宝宝名字。 BabyCenter, an online media company, has released its report of the top 100 baby names chosen by parents who welcomed “about 416,000 babies” last year, from 1 January through 1 November. 2022年,排名第一的女孩名为Olivia,其次为Emma, Amelia, Ava, Sophia, Isabella, Luna, Mia, Charlotte和Evelyn。 报道指出,排名前五的女孩名字与2021年一模一样,且都是以字母“a”结尾。BabyCenter报道称,Evelyn是唯一一个挤进女孩名榜单前十的新名字,Harper则被挤出了榜单。 In 2022, the top 10 names for girls were Olivia, Emma, Amelia, Ava, Sophia, Isabella, Luna, Mia, Charlotte and Evelyn. The top five baby girls’ names remained the same from last year’s report, with each name ending in the letter “a”. BabyCenter reported that Evelyn was the only name to break into the top 10, pushing Harper out. 2022年,排名第一的男孩名字则为Liam,其次是Noah, Oliver, Elijah, Mateo, Lucas, Levi, Asher, James 和Leo。排名前四的男孩名与2021年保持了一致。 Liam reigned supreme in the race for top 10 boy names of 2022, followed by Noah, Oliver, Elijah, Mateo, Lucas, Levi, Asher, James and Leo. Liam was ranked as the most popular boy name in 2021, with Noah in the same second-place spot last year. Oliver and Elijah also maintained their third and fourth place spots. BabyCenter网站还指出了2022年影响家庭取名的趋势。这一年,“奇迹(Miracle)”、“天堂(Heaven)”、“命运(Destiny)”、“梦想(Dream)”和“遗产(Legacy)”等乌托邦式主题的宝宝名字越来越多。此外,以自然和天文为灵感的名字也成为了一种潮流。与花、树和动物有关的名字,如Meadow、Iris和Ivy,都位列前100名。 Not only did BabyCenter release the list of most popular baby names, but they also identified which trends influenced families in naming their babies. Utopian baby names – such as Miracle, Heaven, Destiny, Dream and Legacy – are on the rise. Names inspired by nature and astronomy also became a common trend in 2022. Those associated with flowers, trees, and animals – like Meadow, Iris and Ivy – were in the top 100 baby names. 此外,该网站还发现了一个新的趋势,那就是给宝宝取天体相关的名字。比如,Nova(新星)上升9位,Aurora(极光)上升到第14位。 BabyCenter identified a new trend of celestial baby names. Nova, which means star, went up nine spots, and Aurora, which references the northern lights, moved up to spot 14. BabyCenter网站公布的2022年排名前50的男宝/女宝英文名↓↓↓ 综合来源:佛山市公安局微信公众号,独立报,babycenter.com,中国日报双语新闻 推荐视频