Zhang Jike, a multiple-time world champion, has been recently embroiled in controversy as some netizens claimed he owed several million yuan in debt due to gambling, and that he sent private videos of his ex-girlfriend, a Chinese actress, to the debtor, who then allegedly used the videos to extort the woman.
China's Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission (CPLC) has urged the department concerned to investigate the incident and make the results public as soon as possible in an editorial article published on Monday night.
No one will receive special treatment due to their "special status" as equality under the law applies to all, the CPLC said, while noting that disinformation and slander will also not be tolerated.
图源:@张继科工作室 微博
On Mar 30, Zhang's studio responded via Sina Weibo that he does not have any debt problems, nor had he compromised anyone's privacy, adding that the allegations were pure fabrication.
On Mar 31, Zhang's attorney posted a statement saying that they have started collecting evidence on people that are trying to harm his reputation and that they are preparing to sue those who posted rumors about him multiple times or who refused to delete such information after they were told to.
Despite the responses, the allegations remained a hot topic after journalist Li Weiao said on his Weibo account on Friday that he had learned the rumors were true.
Li wrote that Zhang provided private videos of someone to a third party and that Zhang had more than 5 million yuan in debts that he has not yet paid. Li also disclosed a photo of a loan contract for 5 million yuan with Zhang listed as the borrower.
目前多家张继科曾代言的品牌已删除相关内容。4月3日,膳食营养品牌@诺特兰德官方 发文称,即日起,终止与张继科的一切合作关系。
Nuotelande, a company that mainly sells nutrition products such as protein powder and vitamins, posted a statement via its account on Sina Weibo, saying "we've terminated all partnership agreements with Zhang."
The case has also prompted a few other popular brands that previously worked with Zhang to take action.
图源:微博 @安踏
图源:微博 @舒肤佳Safeguard
For instance, Anta Sports, a leading sportswear brand, told Economic View, a mobile application operated by the China News Service, on Apr 3 that it has terminated its partnership with Zhang.
Content related to Zhang was not found when the athlete's name is searched on Apr 3 on the official Weibo accounts of a number of brands, including Anta Sports and Safeguard, a brand of antibacterial hand sanitizer under Procter & Gamble, a consumer goods multinational company.
综合来源:“中央政法委长安剑”公众号 中国日报 环球时报 中国新闻社
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