

阿代尔 沪江英语 2023-04-10


与此同时,还有另一个比较意外的新闻,那就是朱莉执导的新片《战血殆尽》(Without Blood)首曝剧照和幕后照!


Produced under Fremantle and the star's Jolie Productions, Without Blood is set to star Salma Hayek (whom Jolie recently appeared with in Eternals) and Demián Bichir.《战血殆尽》由弗里曼特尔和朱莉制作公司共同制作,萨尔玛·海耶克(朱莉最近和她一起出演了《永恒族》)和德米安·比齐尔出演。
According to Variety, the film will touch on "universal truths about war, trauma, memory and healing," and is based on Italian author Alessandro Baricco's best-selling novel of the same name.据《综艺》杂志报道,这部电影将根据意大利作家亚历山德罗·巴里科的同名畅销小说改编,涉及“关于战争、创伤、记忆和治愈的普遍真理”。

According to an official synopsis of the book, it is "an unforgettable fable about the brutality of war — and one girl's quest for revenge and healing."该书的官方简介是“一个关于战争残酷性的寓言故事,以及一个女孩对复仇和治愈的追求”。
"When — in an unnamed place and time — Manuel Roca's enemies hunt him down to kill him, they fail to discover Nina, his youngest child, hidden in a hole beneath his farmhouse floor. After this carnage Tito, one of the murderers, discovers Nina's trapdoor," the synopsis continues. "Enthralled by the sight of Nina's perfect innocence, he keeps quiet."“当曼努埃尔-罗卡被敌人追杀时(时间地点不详),他们没有发现他最小的孩子尼娜,藏在农舍地板下的一个洞里。在这场杀戮之后,其中一个凶手蒂托发现了尼娜,”简介这样写道。“他被尼娜天真无邪的样子触动,便装作什么也没发生。”
"By the time she has grown up, Nina's innocence will have bloomed into something else altogether, and one by one the wartime hunters will become the peacetime hunted. But not until a striking old woman calls upon a familiar old man selling newspapers in town can we know what Nina will ultimately make of her brutal legacy," it concludes.“当她长大成人时,尼娜的纯真天性得到蜕变,战时的猎人将逐一成为和平时期的猎物。但是,直到一位引人注目的老妇人拜访了一个在镇上卖报纸的老熟人,我们才能知道尼娜最终将如何应对残酷杀戮,”它总结道。

事实上,早在15年前,她就拍过一部关于孤儿院和难民营的纪录片——《天涯共此时》(A Place in Time)。该片曾在2007年的翠贝卡电影节上首映。

《血与蜜之地》In the Land of Blood and Honey(2011)

The 2011 film In the Land of Blood and Honey is a war-romance film that takes place during the Bosnian War and follows Danijel, a Serbian soldier, and Ajla, a Bosnian captive. The two had briefly met prior to the war in a nightclub, but when they are reconnected as the captor and captured, can their newly rekindled love make it? More importantly, can they trust each other?2011年的电影《血与蜜之地》是一部战争爱情片,故事发生在波黑战争期间,讲述了塞尔维亚士兵丹尼尔和波斯尼亚俘虏阿吉拉的故事。这两个人战前曾在一家夜总会邂逅,但当他们作为俘获者和被俘者再次见面时,还能重新点燃爱的火花吗?更重要的是,他们还能相互信任吗?




In arguably one of Jolie's most well-known directed films, Unbroken covers the true story of Louis Zamperini. Zamperini was an Olympian-turned-World War II soldier who survived 47 days in a raft after his plane crashed, only to be captured by Japanese military. 《坚不可摧》可以说是朱莉最著名的导演代表作之一,它讲述了路易斯·赞佩里尼的真实故事。赞佩里尼曾经是参加过奥运会的运动员,后来参加二战。在一次飞行途中,他不幸坠机,并乘着木筏在海上漂泊了47天,并最终被日本军人俘虏。

The film covers Zamperini's young life through his time in the 1936 Olympics and the second half of his life, which was full of torment and torture in a Japanese POW camp.该电影讲述了赞佩里尼从1936年参加奥运会到在日本战俘营饱受折磨的后半生的人生故事。

The 2014 film was nominated for three Oscars including Best Achievement in Cinematography. It's a moving story that shows Zamperini's resilience and unbroken spirit.这部2014年的电影获得了包括最佳摄影在内的三项奥斯卡提名。这是一个感人的故事,展示了赞佩里尼的坚韧和不屈不挠的精神。
Jack O'Connell portrayed Zamperini and was nominated for a few awards for his performance.杰克·奥康奈尔饰演赞佩里尼一角,并因此获得了不少奖项的提名。

The film was adapted from the novel written by Laura Hillebrand. While Jolie could not include everything from the novel, critics praised her for staying as true to the events as possible.这部电影改编自劳拉·希勒布兰德的小说。虽然朱莉没有把全部的小说内容拍成电影,但影评人都称赞她尽可能真实地讲述了当年的事件。
《海岸情深》By the Sea(2015)



By the Sea is one of the new non-war-related films directed by Jolie. In the film, Jolie not only is the director, but she also stars as one of the main characters, is the sole writer of the screenplay, and is listed as a producer. 《海岸情深》是由朱莉执导的一部新的非战争题材电影。在这部电影中,朱莉不仅是导演,她还担任主角之一,是剧本的唯一编剧,并被列为制片人。
The storyline follows a 1970s romantic era couple, their failing marriage, and the fallout during a hotel stay in France.电影讲述了20世纪70年代的一对夫妻,他们失败的婚姻,以及在法国酒店度假时遇到的问题。

Pitt plays the husband who is struggling with writing his next work and Jolie the tired wife who becomes obsessed with the woman in the room next door.皮特扮演的丈夫正在为创作下一部作品而绞尽脑汁,而朱莉扮演的妻子身心俱疲,对住在隔壁房间的女人产生了情愫。

Critics praised the way Jolie portrayed marriage, especially after 14 years, but say that her writing ability caused the film to fall short of its full potential.影评人称赞了朱莉刻画婚姻的方式,尤其是在14年后,但也说她的编剧能力导致影片未能充分发挥潜力。


First They Killed My Father: 
A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers (2017)

First they Killed My Father is a war biopic based on the life and experiences of Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung. In the 2017 film, Ung recounts her life under the deadly Khmer Rouge back in the 1970s. 《他们先杀了我父亲:一个柬埔寨女儿的回忆录》是一部战争传记片,改编自柬埔寨作家和人权活动家翁琅的生活和经历。在这部2017年的电影中,琅讲述了她在1970年代致命的红色高棉统治下的生活。
Khmer Rouge invaded Cambodia and turned the young Loung's life upside down, forcing her family to leave a comfortable life for a work-camp life. To make things worse, her father, a former officer, is killed, forcing the already struggling family to split in order to survive.红色高棉入侵柬埔寨,将年轻的琅的生活搅得天翻地覆,迫使她的家人离开舒适的生活,进入劳改营。更糟糕的是,她的父亲,一位前外交官,被杀害了。为了生存,这个家庭不得不四分五裂,骨肉分离。

Jolie worked alongside Loung Ung to develop the screenplay for this Netflix biopic. 朱莉和翁琅一起为这部Netflix传记片创作了剧本。
The film received a BAFTA Film Award nomination in the category of Best Film Not in the English Language. Critics praised the film and its ability to showcase the horrors of the Cambodian genocide told through the eyes of children.这部电影获得了英国电影学院奖最佳外语片的提名。评论家们赞扬该电影,通过儿童的眼睛展示了柬埔寨大屠S的恐怖性。



trauma /ˈtrɔːmə/ n. 痛苦经历,挫折;精神创伤,心理创伤

brutality /bruːˈtæləti/ n. 残忍,野蛮

enthral /ɪnˈθrɔːl / v. 迷住

captive /ˈkæptɪv/ adj. 被俘虏的,被圈养的;n. 俘虏,猎获物

biopic  /ˈbaɪəʊpɪk/ n. 传记电影,传记片

英文部分摘自People: Angelina Jolie to Write and Direct 'Without Blood' Starring Salma Hayek and Demián Bichir

movieweb: Best Movies Directed by Angelina Jolie, Ranked








