
tm活动 | 我必远游,歌在旷野

社区实验室 广东时代美术馆 2023-12-17

历史上,苗族在频繁的战争中丢失了家园与文字,最终藏身于贫瘠的高山顶端。在不断的迁徙中唯一留存下来的是歌声 - 苗族崇尚自然,相信万物有灵,歌声是过往故事的载体。一百年前,传教士跨过远洋,为苗民带来西方古典四声部唱法,也就此取代了原属于他们自身的民歌和对过往的记忆。今天,村民们又因机缘走出大山,歌声的身份再一次转变。这一切发生之后,他们是谁?什么才是真正属于他们的?


Historically, the Miao people lost their homes and writings in frequent wars. They then hid on the top of fruitless mountains. The only thing that survives the migration is singing. The Miao people admire nature and believe that all things have anims. Singing is the courier of past stories. About a hundred years ago, missionaries crossed the ocean and brought Western classical four-voice singing to the Miao people. It replaced their own folk songs and memories of the past. Today, the villagers walked out of the mountain by chance, and the identity of the singing voice changed again. After all this happened, who are they? What really belongs to them?

Chen Dongnan



Singing in the Wilderness, 2021

Language: Miao / Chinese; Subtitle: Chinese / English, 98 min





Guests: Chen Dongnan (Director), Zhang Shimin (Little Well Choir member)

Moderated by Feng Qidi (Researcher)

2021/12/26 15:00 - 17:30



Auditorium, Guangdong Times Museum

Times Rose Garden III, Huang Bian Bei Road, Bai Yun Avenue North, Guangzhou



Event Registration: RMB 30 (museum ticket included)

Scan the QR code below, please reserve early as seatings are limited


After hiding in the mountains for a century, a Miao ethnic village choir is discovered by an outsider and becomes a national sensation. Two young Miaos and all the villagers must reconcile their faith, identity, and love with the real world of China. This Sunday, the day after Christmas, we will be listening to the chants from the wilderness on the screen, and talking with the director Chen Dongnan about the process of shooting this documentary. The event also invites Zhang Shimin, a member of Little Well Village Choir who is now working in Gongguan, to share with us the stories both inside and outside of the film.



Singing in the Wilderness, Trailer


Singing in the Wilderness, Still shots

影展入围、获奖情况 Awards & Festivals

瑞士尼翁真实电影节 Visions du Réel, Switzerland

希腊塞萨洛尼基国际电影节 Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival, Greece

加拿大蒙特利尔国际电影节 Montreal International Documentary Film Festival, Canada

First西宁青年电影节 First International Film Festival, China

DMZ韩国国际纪录片电影节 DMZ International Film Festival, South Korea


Dongnan Chen’s debut film, THE TRAIL FROM XINJIANG, a profile of three pickpockets from China's far west, has been widely screened at festivals, universities and museums worldwide. SOUND OF VISION,  an experimental short following a blind man’s exploration of New York was nominated for an Emmy award, premiered at HotDocs and broadcasted on PBS POV. SINGING IN THE WILDERNESS, her first feature documentary, is supported by Sundance, DMZ, Xining First International Film Festival etc. She is a graduate from the documentary program at New York University.




