今天来读两首献给霍金的诗吧。一是T.S.艾略特诗歌奖获得者Sarah Howe的十四行诗《相对》。2015年,当她受邀为英国国家诗歌日创作时,她希望作一首诗题献给霍金。她将初稿念给他听,霍金后来还录制了朗诵。
for Stephen Hawking
When we wake up brushed by panic in the dark
our pupils grope for the shape of things we know.
Photons loosed from slits like greyhounds at the track
reveal light’s doubleness in their cast shadows
that stripe a dimmed lab’s wall—particles no more—
and with a wave bid all certainties goodbye.
For what’s sure in a universe that dopplers
away like a siren’s midnight cry? They say
a flash seen from on and off a hurtling train
will explain why time dilates like a perfect
afternoon; predicts black holes where parallel lines
will meet, whose stark horizon even starlight,
bent in its tracks, can’t resist. If we can think
this far, might not our eyes adjust to the dark?
英国诗人、学者Sarah Howe出生于中国香港
详见《巴黎评论》https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2015/10/08/on-relativity/一是霍金逝世后,加州理工学院的理论物理学家 John Preskill 在当日对他的纪念。
A poem for Stephen Hawking
Everyone is talking
About Stephen Hawking.
My good friend
Explained how time can end.
And clued us in
On how time can begin.
Always droll,
He spoke about a hole:
“Now, wait a minute, Jack,
A black hole ain’t so black!”
Those immortal words he said,
Which millions now have duly read,
Hit physics like a ton of bricks.
Well, that’s how Stephen got his kicks.
Always grinning through his glasses,
He brought science to the masses,
Displayed a rare capacity
For humor and audacity.
And that’s why, on this somber day,
With relish we can gladly say:
“Thanks, Stephen, for the things you’ve done.
And most of all, thanks for the fun!”
And though there’s more to say, my friend,
This poem, too, must, sadly, end.
John Preskill