

刘教链 刘教链 2023-07-16

6号上午,华尔街著名投资家、金融家吉姆罗杰斯先生(Mr. Jim Rogers)到访清华大学X-Lab,教链创始人刘青焱向罗杰斯先生汇报了教链项目的有关工作。两人还就区块链投资相关话题进行了交流。




This morning, Mr. Jim Rogers, well-known Wall Street investor and financier, visited X-Lab of Tsinghua University. Evan Liu, founder of Project Blockchain Coach, presented relative works to Mr. Rogers, and they also discussed topics related to blockchain technologies.

Mr. Jim Rogers is the world-wide famous international investor and financier. He co-founded Quantum Fund together with George Soros in 1970.

Evan introduced to Mr. Rogers what the team are working on promoting blockchain technologies and helping enterprises implement and apply such technologies to empower their businesses. Mr. Rogers showed great interests and shared his view straightly that he would rather prefer to invest and support SMEs to innovate with blockchain instead of putting his interests on big firms adopting blockchain.

At last, Mr. Rogers asked Evan’s team to help him do some research on most valuable innovative blockchain SMEs and start-ups and he’d like to do some investment in blockchain industry. Evan exchanged contact information with Mr. Rogers and said he and his team would like to help his investment investigation in blockchain area.

