【狮語新展】Alec Von Bargen Solo 独白· 无界:亚历克·冯·巴根个展
Alec Von Bargen Solo
独白· 无界——亚历克·冯·巴根个展
艺术家 Artist: 亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
开幕 Opening: 2019.4.20 17:00—19:00
展期 Duration: 2019.4.21 - 2019.5.25
地址 Venue: 上海狮語画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai
周一闭馆 Closed on Mondays
地址 Address: 上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内
Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.
狮語画廊上海空间四月起将呈现当代摄影艺术家亚历克·冯·巴根(Alec Von Bargen)的个展“独白·无界”(Solo),本次展览也是继2015年香港狮語画廊《亚历克 ∙ 冯 ∙ 巴根个展》和2016年斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心《亚历克·冯·巴根个展——分裂》之后,狮語画廊再次为艺术家亚历克·冯·巴根举行个展,呈现其自2015年起创作至今的长期艺术项目:“ So.lil.o.quy”。
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Her 她,70 cm x 100 cm,2018
亚历克·冯·巴根出生于纽约,成长于英国、墨西哥,是一位活跃于国际当代摄影艺术界的艺术家。近年来,他的作品曾于第54及56届威尼斯双年展、伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆、中国上海OCT当代艺术中心、法国阿尔勒摄影节等展出。他屡次获奖,包括在洛杉机IPA国际摄影比赛及巴黎PX3国际摄影比赛中获得殊荣,也是2013年度杜拜新晋艺术家大奖入围参赛者。2013及2014年,他被英国美学杂志(Aesthetica Magazine)两次选为百名顶级艺术家之一。他曾入围Terry O’Neill摄影奖及德国柏林的莎莉丝特奖(Celeste Prize)。
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Under the blue skies of Agok #2,在Agok的蓝天下 #2
Archival print on pvc,PVC聚氯乙烯上典藏版印刷
38 cm x 55 cm
2015年,亚历克被选为上海斯沃琪和平饭店客席艺术家,在中国他完成了为期六个月的艺术驻留项目。本次展览的英文名“Solo”由“ So.lil.o.quy”生发而来,这一艺术项目灵感正是驻留期间他与斯沃琪艺术总监的交流所思,亚历克作品中的美学性和驱动人性的潜质,被斯沃琪艺术总监认为是与MSF项目(无国界医生组织)最完美匹配的艺术家。
1971年于巴黎成立的无国界医生组织(Doctors Without Borders,Medecins Sans Frontiers--MSF)是全球最大的独立人道医疗救援组织,致力为受武装冲突、流行病、疫病和天灾影响,以及遭排拒于医疗体系以外的人群提供紧急医疗援助。
——亚历克·冯·巴根(Alec Von Bargen)
亚历克前往世界各地的无国界医生组织,踏上了为期18个月的 “无国界”工作与艺术寻旅。但正如“So.lil.o.quy”这个词本身被这样划分的原因,亚历克并不想让这一项目成为艺术家的个人独白,那与他是谁无关。人们大声谈论他们的冲突,试图找到解决他们自己问题的方法的声音,这对亚历克来说才是最基本的。
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Let them say I’m sleeping,让他们说我在睡觉吧
双联摄影,65cmx 100cm,2018
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Hush(from the series Hushes and whispers and other poems of contempt)
Archival prints on pvc,PVC聚氯乙烯上典藏版印刷
8 panels,400 cm x100cm,2019
Leo Gallery Shanghai proudly presents photographic artist Alec Von Bargen’s solo exhibition “Solo” this April. This exhibition presents Alec Von Bargen’s long-term art project since its creation in 2015: “So.lil.o.quy”, after his solo exhibition held in Leo Gallery Hong Kong in 2015, and the “Split - Alec Von Bargen Solo Exhibition” co-organized by Leo Gallery and the Swatch Art Peace Hotel Shanghai in 2016.
Born in New York and raised in England and Mexico, Alec Von Bargen is an active international visual artist. He most recently exhibited at the 54th and 56th Venice Biennale, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the OCT Museum in Shanghai, China and Les Rencontres D’Arles Festival, France, amongst others. His work has won numerous awards including the IPA’s in LA and the PX3’s in Paris. He was a finalist for the 2013 Dubai Emerging Artist Award and Aesthetica Magazine, UK, selected him as one of their 2013 and 2014 top 100 Artists. He was the finalist for the Terry O'Neill Award and the Celeste Prize in Berlin, Germany.
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Under the blue skies of Agok #3,在Agok的蓝天下 #3
38 cm x 55 cm,2018
In 2015, Alec Von Bargen was selected by François-Henri Pinault among others as the guest artist at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, where he completed a six-month artist residency programme in China. The English name of this exhibition, “Solo”, comes from the name of Alec’s new project “So.lil.o.quy” which was inspired by communications with the director of Swatch Art Peace Hotel during his stay. According to the director, the aesthetics and humanity driven undertone of Alec’s work makes him a perfect match for the projects with MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières).
Founded in Paris in 1971, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. MSF offers assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
“As an artist, you have to be very individual, and move forward alone at times.”
---Alec Von Bargen
Alec Von Bargen travelled to MSF organizations around the world and embarked on an 18-month borderless artistic journey. But just as the word “So.lil.o.quy” itself is divided up, Alec does not want the project to be a monologue, as it has nothing to do with who he is. It is the voice of people speaking aloud about their conflicts, trying to find solutions to their own problems, that to Alec is fundamental.
亚历克·冯·巴根 Alec Von Bargen
Before the rains #5 下雨之前 #5
19 cm x 32 cm,2018
“I was given almost, in a sense, carte blanche to go and experience different MSF mission/projects around the world. I can’t cease to say it: that was a gift, a gift in the sense that there’s no other way to do it. And I was very focused on the fact that I needed it to be long term conflicts, because I needed to really feel”, Alec said.
Alec’s photographic art captures aesthetic instances resonating true with their historical, political and social contexts to create a visual dialogue field. Exploring the potential meaning of realities, his work focuses directly on human nature, and bring people into rethinking history, society, inner selves and ultimate issues.
These seemingly simple portraits are full of exclamatory marks and question marks, as they are hints of humanity. The artist captures the moment of eyes and expressions, thus directs the emotions and inner monologues of the characters to the viewer. From these static frames, the viewer feel the smiles, cries and struggles of the characters in direct psychological dialogues.
By using an introspective force to transform the realities into dream-like atmospheres, Alec Von Bargen emphasizes the silence in rapidly developing societies and the feeling of losing one’s selves. He reveals another world that seems unknown to us with genuine reflections of images and realities, enabling the viewer to rethink the common characteristics of human minds and nature.
The exhibition will be on display at Leo Gallery Shanghai from April 21st to May 25th, 2019.
博览会预告 Upcoming Art Fair
2019 ART CHENGDU国际当代艺术博览会
展位 Booth:B-10
展期 Duration:2019.4.28-5.1
参展艺术家 Artist: 赵一浅 Zhao Yiqian
展览 Exhibition : new idol
日程 Schdule:
媒体与VIP预览 Media &VIP Preview:
2019.4.28 11:00-18:00
2019.4.29 11:00-19:00
公众开放 Public Day:
2019.4.30-5.1 10:00-19:00
2019.5.2 10:00-17:00
展期 Duration:2019.5.1-5.5
展位 Booth:B9
参展艺术家 Artists:
董大为 Dong Dawei,黄岩 Huang Yan, 李磊 Li lei ,李易纹 Li Yiwen,钱佳华 Qian Jiahua,原田透 Tøru Harada, 谭平 Tan Ping,闫博 Yan Bo, 袁可如 Yuan Keru、张健君 Zhang Jian-jun, 赵一浅 Zhao Yiqian
主题 Exhibition :
Cross Section - A New Perspective on Asian Contemporary Art
日程 Schdule:
VIP预览 VIP Preview & Opening Night :2019.5.1 5pm-9pm
公众开放日 Public Day:
2019.5.2-5.3 11am – 5pm
2019.5.4-5.5 10am – 5pm
同期展览 Current Exhibition
香港獅語画廊 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
2019.3.25 – 2019.4.30