
上海狮語|原始童话:邓洧 蒋小余 王思顺 伍伟 于航 于洋|策展人:鲍栋|6.25 - 8.7.2022

狮語画廊 狮語画廊

始 童 话

The Primeval Fairy Tale


Leo Gallery Shanghai

艺术家 | Artists

邓洧 Deng Wei  蒋小余 Jiang Xiaoyu 

王思顺 Wang Sishun  伍伟 Wu Wei  

于航 Yu Hang  于洋 Yu Yang

策展人 | Curator

鲍栋 Bao Dong

展期|Duration 2022.06.25-08.07


Venue | Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai


Please scan the QR code for reservation 

前言 Foreword

文/鲍栋Text / Bao Dong

展览现场 Installation View

展览现场 Installation View 



展览现场 Installation View

Throughout the history of art, aesthetic ideas and movements that appeal to a primeval style often occur in an attempt for art to find its original power, a reactive correction to excessive delicacy, vanity and pretense in "contemporary" art. After each boom of new creation and style in arts and culture, an attempt to "retrospect to the past" or "trace back to folk traditions" almost always follows. In an effort to create a new narrative, distinct from the styles of the current era, artists form a dialectical logic in the history of aesthetics, going towards the territories of the primal states: ancestral, primitive, folk, dilettante, juvenile, foreign and subconscious. Contemporary art still adopts this logic, which can be regarded as a kind of institutional criticism projected on aesthetics, a continuous return to some archetypal themes.

王思顺 Wang Sishun启示 15.11.1 Apocalypse 15.11.1铝 Aluminum78 x 15 x 50cm Ed 1/6,2015

In this exhibition, some artists show a deliberate use of primeval subject matter and style in order to invoke the power of psychological archetypes hidden in the collective unconsciousness. For example, Wu Wei applies the concept and material of "fur" to religious images and industrial creations, implying the sublime of object that has always been intertwined with barbarism and civilization. Yu Hang combines primeval cultural images with naive graffiti style in an unconscious carnival of brushwork. Their uses of the ancient and the original are embodied in the titles and concepts of substance in their work. Wu Wei's "Typhon" refers to the demon in Ancient Greek mythology, while Yu Hang names his works in Kiswahili. Although the history of this African language is not as old as people imagine, it has now become one of the symbols of African culture and humanities' origin.

于航 Yu Hang
布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas
150 x 150cm,2021

Deng Wei and Jiang Xiaoyu mobilize experiences based on contemporary life and society: grassroots and corporeal, humorous and honest. In their cases, a kind of carefully controlled unadornment contains a kind of abandonment of over-skillfulness pointing directly into the depth of their hearts. In this sense, Wang Sishun and Yu Yang's works are aimed at the nature of objects and culture. Under the religious title of "Apocalypse", Wang Sishun has searched for various stones embodying characteristics of human portraits from all over the world, discussing the limits of artistic concepts confronting the origin of art and culture. Yu Yang's sculptures bring out a sense of abstract organicity from the materials, in order to obtain a certain non-representational sense of life, the formal results becoming quite primitive in style.

展览现场 Installation View

As the theme of the exhibition, "The Primeval Fairy Tale" aims to bring the now subtly reappearing tendency of primitivism into perspective, focusing more on the discourse of art history. In this era when the entire world seems to lose its direction, we return to the natural state, the initial vision and conception in our own way, so that art can stand still amid the chaos.

部分作品 Selected Artworks

伍伟 Wu Wei神话-1 Myth No.1木板上丙烯、纸张、印刷品 Acrylic on Board, Paper, Print20 x 20cm,2021
于洋 Yu Yang一双眼睛 A Pair of Eyes白木、铁针 White Wood, Iron Needle148 x 95 x 7cm,2017

蒋小余 Jiang Xiaoyu孤盏难眠 Insomnia布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas40 x 50cm,2021
于航 Yu HangMapenzi Mubashara布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas180 x 200cm,2021

邓洧 Deng Wei无题 Untitled本丙烯 Acrylic on Paper38 x 26cm,2020

王思顺 Wang Sishun

启示 18.10.1 Apocalypse 18.10.1铝 Aluminum28 x 15 x 60cm Ed 2/6,2018

关于策展人 About the Curator 

鲍栋 Bao Dong

中国新一代活跃的艺术评论家与策展人,“北京当代”艺术博览会创办人及艺术总监。他2006年硕士毕业于四川美术学院艺术史系,现工作生活在北京。他的评论文章广泛见于国内外艺术期刊,批评文集以及艺术家专著;他曾为众多国内外艺术机构策划展览,其中包括尤伦斯当代艺术中心、广东美术馆、朱拉隆功大学艺术中心、广东时代美术馆、上海及北京民生现代美术馆、上海OCT艺术中心等等;2014年,他荣获亚洲文化协会(ACC)艺术奖助金;同年成为国际独立策展人协会(ICI)独立视野策展奖候选人。2016年他获得了 “Yishu中国当代艺评和策展奖”。
Bao Dong is an art critic and curator based in Beijing,founder and art director of Beijing Contemporary Art Expo. In contributing essays to the artistic dialogue and other forms of involvement, Bao has established himself as a leading curator and critic of work by the new generation. His articles have been widely published in art journals and artist monographs both at home and abroad. He has curated many exhibitions for a wide range of art institutions including Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Guangdong Art Museum, the Art Center of Chulalongkorn University, Guangdong Times Museum, Shanghai & Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Shanghai etc. He was awarded Asian Cultural Council (ACC) fellowship grant in 2014, and became a nominee of Independent Curators International’s (ICI) 2014 Independent Vision Curatorial Award. Recently he was awarded Yishu Awards for Curating Contemporary Chinese Art 2016.

关于艺术家 About the Artists 
邓洧 Deng Wei

Deng Wei was born in Shimen, Hunan province in 1978. He graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He is now teaching in Hubei Institute of Fine Arts. Deng Wei is an artist with "worldly humor". His works are full of "teasing" and "flirting" with acrimony. He broke away from the charming temperament and impressive skills of academicism, and challenged the mundane reality from the perspectives of the underclass and the outsiders, with a concern for the lower-class people in his visual narrative. 

蒋小余 Jiang Xiaoyu

蒋小余, 1990年出生于重庆大足。2014年本科毕业于四川美术学院油画系,2020年硕士毕业于四川美术学院油画系。现生活和工作于重庆。蒋小余的绘画克制而内敛,他尽可能地剔除那些来自于日常图景或素材中的冗余和繁复,试图通过对这种单一形象的深入洞察和异质化处理,刻画个体生命在现实处境中的复杂遭遇,从而揭示和隐喻人们在普遍面临外部多变且动荡的世界时随之产生的内心活动。

Jiang Xiaoyu was born in 1990 in Dazu, Chongqing, China. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in the Oil Painting Department from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2014, and a master's degree from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2020. He currently lives and works in Chongqing. Jiang  Xiaoyu's  paintings  are  restrained  and  introspective, and  he  tries  to  eliminate  as  much redundancy and complexity as possible from the everyday scenes or materials. Through the insight and heterogeneity of this single image, Jiang Xiaoyu attempts to portray the complex encounters of individual lives in real-life situations, thus revealing and metaphorizing the inner activities that arise when people are generally faced with a changing and turbulent world.

王思顺 Wang Sishun
王思顺,1979 年生于武汉,2008年毕业于中央美术学院,获硕士学位。现工作生活于北京。王思顺近几年持续的《启示》系列,将地质学和人类学相结合,指涉人类各族群和身份以及其深层次精神及人格涵义,将人的历史与人之外更深邃的宇宙时间联结。王思顺曾受邀参加沙特双年展、亚洲双年展、泰国双年展、日本越后妻有三年展、银川双年展、罗马尼亚双年展、俄罗斯乌拉尔当代艺术工业双年展、英国曼彻斯特亚洲艺术三年展。其作品在国内外多个艺术空间展出,并被泰康空间,香港M+美术馆,德国戴姆勒中心等机构收藏。
Wang Sishun, born in Wuhan in 1979, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2008 with a master's degree. He currently lives and works in Beijing. Wang Sishun's "Apocalypse" series in recent years combines geology and anthropology together, reflecting the identities of different ethnic groups of human beings as well as their spiritual implications and personality traits behind it. It connects the history of man with the course of cosmic time beyond man. Wang Sichun has been invited to participate in Diriyah Biennale, Asian Art Biennale, Thailand Biennale, Echigo-Tsumari Art Field, Yinchuan Biennale, Art Encounters Biennial, Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, and Asia Triennial Manchester. His works have been exhibited in many art spaces around the world and have been collected by Taikang Space, M+ Art Museum in Hong Kong, Daimler Center in Germany and other institutions.

伍伟 Wu Wei

 Wu Wei, born in zhengzhou in 1981, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree in Experimental Art in 2012. He currently lives and works in Beijing. Wu Wei has always been using paper as the medium for his creation. The most distinctive feature of his handling of paper is that he cuts paper into animal fur. His works are full of the sense of touch and desire, involving issues of civilization, barbarism and mythology, seeking new feelings and visual tension in materials and spaces. Wu Wei's works have been exhibited in many important art venues around the world, and have been collected by CAFA Art Museum, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Today Art Museum, White Box Art Museum, Henan Art Museum, Being3 Art Fund, White Rabbit Art Museum and other institutions.

于航 Yu Hang

于航,1987年出生于吉林,肄业于上海大学美术学院。现居住和工作在上海。近期展览有:《超群落》油罐艺术中心,上海,2021;《流浪者之歌》「martin goya.pig」&「宅HOME Theatre」,杭州,2021;2021年上海廿二一艺术博览会;《哈库呐·玛塔塔》,(弥金画廊,上海,2021);《外星人在此》,(空间站艺术中心,北京,2021);《练习册:安娜卡在您那儿》,(悦·美术馆,北京,2021)等。
Yu Hang, born in Jilin in 1987, studied at Shanghai University's Academy of Fine Arts. He currently lives and works in Shanghai. Yu Hang's main exhibitions include: Ultre Community, Tank Shanghai, Shanghai, China(2021); The Timing of Drifters,「martin goya.pig」&「HOME Theatre」, Hangzhou, China(2021); ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai, China(2021); Hakuna Matata, Gene Gallery, Shanghai, China(2021), etc.

于洋 Yu Yang

Yu Yang, born in 1986 in Hebei, obtained a bachelor's degree in Sculpture from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2011, a master's degree in Sculpture from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2015, and a doctoral degree in Sculpture from the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University in 2021. He currently lives and works in Beijing. Yu Yang's works went through stages of narrative realism and multifaceted practice of surrealism, and then gradually formed a potential power driven by the join forces of the emotion, the scene and the materiality. Yu Yang is adept in holding the state of his works between the boundary of two dimensions and three dimensions, or the boundary between sculpture and installation, which often grants his works unique viewing experience that can’t be achieved with general practices for sculpture or installation.


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please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai
上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1230, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong KongTues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) 
 +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cn


