

狮語画廊 狮語画廊

西岸艺术与设计博览会 2022

West Bund Art & Design 2022

狮語画廊 |  Leo Gallery

 A217 Booth 


参展艺术家 | Artists

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm

牟桓 Mou Huan

展期 | Duration 2022.11.10 - 11.13

贵宾预览|VIP Preview

2022.11.10(周四|Thu.) 13:00 - 19:00

2022.11.11(周五|Fri.)12:00 - 13:00

公众参观|Public Days

2022.11.11(周五|Fri.) 13:00 - 18:00

2022.11.12(周六|Sat.) 12:00 - 18:00

2022.11.13(周日|Sun.) 12:00 - 18:00

地址 | Venue  


West Bund Art Center, 2555 Long Teng Avenue,  Xuhui District, Shanghai

狮語画廊荣幸地宣布将在第九届西岸艺术与设计博览会呈现阿明·勃姆(Armin Boehm)与牟桓的作品。

阿明·勃姆和牟桓两位艺术家对当代世界有着深刻的洞察,他们都曾经是德国著名艺术家约尔格·伊门多夫(Jörg Immendorff)的学生。在新表现主义的影响下,两位艺术家各自发展出了独特的语言:阿明·勃姆对于全球化之下世相百态的敏锐捕捉和呈现,充满戏剧性,直承德国表现主义传统;牟桓的画面内敛深沉,将对世界的观察沉淀进内心世界,拥有一种坚毅的意志力量。
Leo Gallery is pleased to present the works of Armin Boehm and Mou Huan at the 9th edition of Westbund Art & Design.
Armin Boehm and Mou Huan, two artists with deep insight into the contemporary world, were both former students of the renowned German artist Jörg Immendorff (1945-2007). Under the influence of Neo-Expressionism, both artists have developed their own unique languages of representation. Armin Boehm's penetrating representation of the world's kaleidoscopic conditions under globalization is full of drama in the direct tradition of German Expressionism. Mou Huan's paintings are profound and thought-provoking, marrying his observations of the outer world with his inner world, showing a great strength of will. 
As the second chapter of a series of Sino-German Dialogue exhibitions held by Leo Gallery, more works by the two artists will be exhibited in the special exhibition "Die Welt der Wille und Vorstellung" at Leo Gallery Shanghai from November 12.

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm

捕梦者 Dreamcatcher


Oil and Fabrics on Canvas

100 x 80cm, 2016

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm

夫妇 Paar


Oil, Fabrics and Paper on Canvas

100 x 110cm, 2012

牟桓 Mou Huan

广告牌 Billboard

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

80 x 100cm, 2014

牟桓 Mou Huan

坦克 Panzer

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas

165 x 200 x 5cm, 2022

艺 术 家 介 绍

Artists Introduction 

阿明·勃姆 Armin Boehm

阿明·勃姆,1972年生于德国亚琛,他曾在杜塞尔多夫国家艺术学院师从康拉德·克拉佩克(Konrad Klapheck)和约尔格·伊门多夫(Jörg Immendorff),现工作、生活于柏林。
Armin Boehm, born in Aachen, Germany in 1972, studied at the Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Konrad Klapheck and Jörg Immendorff. He now lives and works in Berlin.
With a mesmerising use of color that draws visible psychological relationships across his compositions, Boehm embeds his subjects into a prismatic world of figuration, symbolism, and cultural reference. In his works on canvas, he uses the technique of collage to conjoin fragments of paint, fabric, paper or metal, substances from which his subjects emerge, almost sculpturally materialising in concrete space.
Boehm’s work was featured in exhibitions in many famous galleries across multiple  countries like Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, the United States and other. His works have also been exhibited at Art Basel Hong Kong, the Armory Show in New York, Art Basel Miami Beach, Art Cologne and other major international art fairs.

牟桓 Mou Huan

牟桓已经在欧洲与亚洲多国举办个展与联展,包括德国柏林中国文化中心、索林根艺术博物馆、歌德学院、西班牙IVAM 瓦伦西亚现代艺术博物馆、上海喜马拉雅美术馆、北京OCA 展览中心等。 Mou Huan, born in 1959, graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and Dusseldorf Art Academy, Germany. He studied with Jörg Immendorff, the world-renowned neo-expressionist art master. 
Treading between the Chinese and the Western cultures, Mou has been influenced by the profound heritage in Chinese art as well as German neo-expressionism. With both influence expressed in his painting, his works are characterized by grand narrative, existence and nihility, and poetic temperament deep within. 
Mou Huan has held solo and group exhibitions in Europe and Asia, including the Chinese Cultural Center in Berlin, the Solingen Museum of Art, the Goethe Institute, IVAM in Valencia, Shanghai Himalayas Museum, and the OCA Exhibition Center in Beijing.

相 关 展 览 

Related Exhibition


Die Welt der Wille und Vorstellung 


Artists: Armin Boehm, Mou Huan


Curators: Dr. Shen Qilan, Dr. Martin Engler

开幕 Opening:2022.11.12 Sat. 5-7p.m.

展期 Duration:2022.11.12-2023.2.26


Venue: Leo Gallery Shanghai, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

即将开幕 Upcoming Exhibition

当前展览 Current Exhibition


For all inquiries regarding sales and services

please contact: info@leogallery.com.cn


狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86 2154653261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn
狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港天后屈臣道8号海景大厦C区1203号1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Tues -Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) 
 +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn

