

甲申翻译 2021-03-17

本文来源 |全文转载自中国日报双语新闻众号,“精彩!习近平在进博会上的一句比喻引来全场掌声!(附同传视频)”一文文章已获授权。来源:中国日报双语新闻编辑:左卓,实习编辑:陈月华,实习生:王浩云 许圆圆,版权归原作者所有, 仅供学习与研究。如果侵权, 请提供版权证明, 以便尽快删除。


11月5日,中国国际进口博览会(China International Import Expo, CIIE)开幕式在上海举行。习近平在开幕式上发表主旨演讲。






To use a metaphor, the Chinese economy is not a pond but an ocean. The ocean may have its calm days, but big winds and storms are only to be expected. Without them, the ocean wouldn't be what it is. Big winds and storms may upset a pond, but never an ocean. 


Having experienced numerous winds and storms, the ocean will still be there. It is the same for China. After going through 5,000 years of trials and tribulations, China is still here. Looking ahead, China will always be here to stay.




Countries need to improve their business environment by addressing their problems. They should not just point fingers at others to gloss over their own problems. They should not hold a flashlight in hand, doing nothing but to check out on the weakness of others and not on their own.



In a world of deepening economic globalization, practices of the law of the jungle and winner-takes-all only represent a dead end. Inclusion and reciprocity, win-win and mutual benefits are surely the right way forward.


Efforts to reduce tariff barriers and open wider will lead to inter-connectivity in economic cooperation and global trade, while the practices of beggaring-thy-neighbor, isolation and seclusion will only result in trade stagnation and an unhealthy world economy.


China's initiative to expand imports is not a choice of expediency. It is a future-oriented step, taken to embrace the world and promote common development.




The CIIE is the first import expo held at the national level. This is indeed an innovation in the history of global trade.

✩ 中国国际进口博览会不仅要年年办下去,而且要办出水平、办出成效、越办越好。

The CIIE, an event to be held on an annual basis, will feature good performance, good results and continued success in the years to come.

✩ 中国国际进口博览会由中国主办,世界贸易组织等多个国际组织和众多国家共同参与,不是中国的独唱,而是各国的大合唱

The CIIE is hosted by China with the support of the WTO and other international organizations, as well as a large number of participating countries. It is not China's solo show, but rather a chorus involving countries from around the world.


✩ 回顾历史,开放合作是增强国际经贸活力的重要动力。
History tells us that openness and cooperation are a major driving force behind dynamic international economic and trade activities.

The current situation also calls for openness and cooperation to foster steady global recovery.

Looking ahead, openness and cooperation will remain essential for continued human progress.

✩ 各国应该坚持开放融通,拓展互利合作空间。
It is important for all countries to open wider and expand space for mutually benefit cooperation.

It is important for all countries to pursue innovative growth and speed up the transformation of growth drivers.

It is important for all countries to pursue inclusive development for the benefit of all.


✩ 中国推动更高水平开放的脚步不会停滞!
China will not stop its effort to pursue higher quality opening-up.

China will not stop its effort to pursue an open world economy.

And China will not stop its effort to pursue a community with a shared future for mankind.

✩ 中国将始终是全球共同开放的重要推动者,中国将始终是世界经济增长的稳定动力源,中国将始终是各国拓展商机的活力大市场,中国将始终是全球治理改革的积极贡献者!
China will remain a strong advocate of openness at the global level, and will continue to act as a stable engine of global growth, a big market with enormous opportunities, and an active supporter of global governance reform.


✩ 激发进口潜力。

We will stimulate the potential for increased import.

✩ 持续放宽市场准入。

We will continue to broaden market access.

✩ 营造国际一流营商环境。

We will foster a world-class business environment.

✩ 打造对外开放新高地。

We will explore new horizons of opening-up.

✩ 推动多边和双边合作深入发展。

We will promote international cooperation at multilateral and bilateral levels.


✩ 对中国经济发展前景,大家完全可以抱着乐观态度。

So when you talk about the future of the Chinese economy, you have every reason to be confident.

✩ 中国经济发展健康稳定的基本面没有改变,支撑高质量发展的生产要素条件没有改变,长期稳中向好的总体势头没有改变。

The fundamentals for sound and stable growth of the Chinese economy remain unchanged, the necessary production factors for high quality development remain unchanged, and the overall momentum of long-term stability and progress remains unchanged.

✩ 中国是世界第二大经济体,有13亿多人口的大市场,有960多万平方公里的国土,中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。

China is the world's second largest economy. We have a market of more than 1.3 billion consumers who live on the land of over 9.6 million square kilometers. To use a metaphor, the Chinese economy is not a pond, but an ocean.


❶ 一是将增设中国上海自由贸易试验区的新片区,鼓励和支持上海在推进投资和贸易自由化便利化方面大胆创新探索,为全国积累更多可复制可推广经验。

First, we will expand the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to include a new section, and will encourage and support bold and creative steps by Shanghai to advance investment and trade liberalization and facilitation so that more of its successful practices may be replicated in other parts of China.

❷ 二是将在上海证券交易所设立科创板并试点注册制,支持上海国际金融中心和科技创新中心建设,不断完善资本市场基础制度。

Second, we will launch a science and technology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experiment with a registration system for listed companies. We will also support Shanghai in cementing its position as an international financial center and a hub of science and innovation, and steadily improving the fundamental institutions of its capital market.

❸ 三是将支持长江三角洲区域一体化发展并上升为国家战略,着力落实新发展理念,构建现代化经济体系,推进更高起点的深化改革和更高层次的对外开放,同“一带一路”建设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展、粤港澳大湾区建设相互配合,完善中国改革开放空间布局。

Third, we will support integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region. We will make it a national strategy, and implement our new development philosophy in real earnest. We will build a modern economic system and adopt highest standard for reform and opening-up. The region will develop in tandem with the Belt and Road Initiative, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Area, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and will help improve the overall layout of China's reform and opening-up. 



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