

中国金融评论 中国金融评论 2024-01-20

Guest Editors

Xiang Gao (高翔) 
上海商学院 (gaoxiang@sbs.edu.cn)Sunghan Ryu(柳成翰)上海交通大学Victor Chow(周昆)西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)

Special Issue Information

我们非常高兴地宣布,《中国金融评论》将推出 "非同质化通证(NFT)与创新金融:数字化、去中心化与通证化 "特刊。



  • 区块链、网络3.0、DeFi、通证经济和数字经济

  • 玩赚类游戏、元宇宙和玩赚类通证

  • 基于NFT的市场和数字化平台

  • NFT资产的战略定价

  • 用实验金融的方法研究NFT

  • 特定的NFT种类,例如CryptoPunks、Bored Apes等

  • 投资者情绪对NFT价格的影响

  • NFT市场中的商业模型

  • NFT可能的定价路径

  • NFT市场中的风险投资

  • NFT数据集和创新性想法

  • NFT定价的新模型和手段

It is a great pleasure to announce that China Finance Review International is dedicating a special issue of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and Alternative Finance: Digitalization, Decentralization, and Tokenization. In the background of the rising decentralized finance and the broader decentralized society, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) emerged as one of the major applications of blockchain technology to achieve evident public prominence since cryptocurrency from early 2021. NFTs are transferrable and hence tradeable rights to a diversity of digital assets, including art pieces or collectibles in the form of images, music, videos, and virtual creations such as in-game items, tweets, and memes. Each asset’s ownership is uniquely certified, and its associated online transactions are often encoded within smart (automatically-executed) contracts written on a blockchain. In the crypto landscape, great attention has also been drawn from professional investors when the NFT market has experienced record sales, with the 2021 trading volume achieving a phenomenal growth rate from 2020, primarily a result of the surging new market participants and new media discussions. The high volatility of the blockchain markets has driven the attention of investors and market participants to concentrate on the diversification avenues of NFTs, DeFi Tokens, and Cryptocurrencies. This special issue is motivated by a surge in the NFT activity of creators, investors, traders, media, and regulators.

Given that NFTs have received growing attention from many, little is known about the role of these financial instruments in alternative finance in a current world economy under challenges of deglobalization and digitalization as well as opportunities for decentralization and tokenization. We, therefore, call for new research explorations on these topics, both theoretical and empirical. It is anticipated that papers included in this special issue will stimulate further research on NFT production, adoption, and trading in different contexts. Potential topics of special interests, but not limited to,

  • Blockchain, Web 3.0, DeFi, Tokenomics, and digital economy

  • Play-to-earn games, metaverse and play-to-earn tokens

  • NFT-based marketplaces and digital platforms

  • Strategic pricing of NFT-based assets

  • Experimental methods in finance to NFTs

  • Specific NFT classes such as CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, and more

  • The effect of investor sentiment on NFT prices

  • The business models of NFT marketplaces

  • A discussion of possible asset pricing routes for NFTs

  • Venture capital investment in NFT markets

  • NFT datasets and potentially innovative ideas

  • New models and approaches to price NFTs

Submission Information



投稿时,请选择题为"非同质化通证(NFT)与创新金融:数字化、去中心化与通证化 "的特刊投稿通道。作者指南和其他提交稿件的相关信息可在CFRI期刊主页上找到。稿件可在截止日期前提交,提交的稿件不应以前出版过,也不应在其他地方考虑出版。特刊提交通道从2023年1月31日起开放,截止日期是2023年6月30日。如果您想在投稿前咨询相关信息,或在投稿过程中寻求建议,请联系CFRI编辑部,邮件地址:cfr@sjtu.edu.cn

The special issue is expected to be published in the middle of 2023. All submissions will undergo the same strict double blind peer review process that is generally applied for the journal. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted). To submit a manuscript, please register and submit your paper online at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cfri. 
When making your submission, please choose the Special Issue entitled “Non-Fungible Token (NFT) and Alternative Finance: Digitalization, Decentralization, and Tokenization”. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Author Guidelines page. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submission portal opens from Jan 31st, 2023. The deadline for submissions is June 30th, 2023.
If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process, please contact the CFRI Editorial Office (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), at the following email address: cfr@sjtu.edu.cn


China Finance Review International (CFRI) 作为上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院创办的一本反映经济金融最前沿研究成果的全英文学术期刊,从创刊至今稳步发展。目前CFRI期刊已被二十多个权威数据库收录:Scopus、Web of Science 、ABI、CNKI、Google Scholar、Cabell's Dictionary、ProQuest、EBSCO、Summon、RePEc、Econlit,进入ABDC和Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide等一系列评级列表。目前期刊在Web of Science中的模拟影响因子为3.16;期刊在Scopus数据库中的实时CiteScore为3.2,2020年期刊入选FMS管理科学高质量期刊C类国际期刊,位于金融学科共78本期刊中的第34位。欢迎广大作者投稿,感谢大家对CFRI一路以来的关注和支持!




中国金融评论 中国金融评论

