

2016-03-31 云头条









公共PaaS上的安全选项也很有限。由于最近Tinder和SnapChat API相继曝出安全漏洞,现在对移动API和物联网方面的端点安全要求更高了。许多公司可能发觉更难在PaaS里面添加更多的基础设施层次、为移动后端确保安全。












ZStack 创始人 张鑫对本文的点评与补充:

观点倒没错,但在第二个原因里面举例不准确,可能是个纰漏。公共paas其实分两种,一种是老式的平台型paas,例如google GAE,新浪SAE这类。这篇文章讲的公共paas实际上说的是这种。这种大而全的平台型paas已经不流行了,docker的兴起,和它以前的母公司dotcloud关闭就是证明。

但第二个原因里面举例Tinder和SnapChat API作为证据是不准确的。因为他们是第二种公共paas的形式,即垂直细分领域paas。这一类是现在非常流行,而且从我角度来看是大有前途的。在国内现在流行的即时通信云就是这种,代表厂家有网易、环信这样的,包括最近的daocloud似乎也进入了这个领域。垂直领域的paas现在的势头非常好,它通过SDK的方式让应用程序开发变得更加简单,而且不可或缺。例如你现在写一个类似的微信的程序,有了这些paas的帮助,就不用自己开发通信的中间件和后台。这个类型的paas我觉得将来会成为趋势。




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如果我使用 Docker ,还需要 PaaS 吗?




It's Official: Public PaaS Is Dead

Public PaaS is becoming less of a fit for the needs of modern web and mobile applications. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

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You may not have heard about this yet, but public PaaS is dead. That doesn't mean that it won't be around for some time. But public PaaS is becoming less of a fit for the needs of modern web and mobile applications. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Let's examine why this is the case and what you can do about it.

Reason #1: Public PaaS Is Expensive And Less Flexible

While using a public PaaS is fast at the start of a project, there is a higher cost over time. We wrote about this previously, noting that the cost of offloading server management greatly increases cost as you scale.

At the same time, a public PaaS offers less flexibility. Not all software vendors support PaaS platforms, forcing you to select one of the PaaS marketplace offerings or do the heavy lifting of a custom integration. Plus, PaaS vendors get to dictate the language and tool choices available, forcing you to fit into their one size fits all approach. This can restrict application maturity due to the limited options available by public PaaS vendors.

Reason #2: Public PaaS Has Fewer Security Options

As applications mature, demand often grows for greater security. With a PaaS, there is no way to build out a virtual private cloud (VPC) to isolate backend resources from the public Internet. There are also limitations for enterprises that are unable to VPN to private data centers to securely access their data.

Security options are also limited on public PaaS. There is now higher demand for endpoint security around mobile APIs and IoT due to recent exploits of the Tinder and SnapChat APIs. Companies may find it more difficult to add more infrastructure layers within their PaaS to secure their mobile backend.

Reason #3: Lack Of High Availability Options

If you are building a highly available web or mobile application, deploying to a single availability zone (AZ) is considered unacceptable. Yet, public PaaS vendors typically offer only one AZ for each region in which they reside. Combined with the lack of IP-based filtering and denial-of-service (DoS) prevention, PaaS is ill-prepared for even the most simple DoS. Their solution: add more processes to handle the increased load to overcome the additional DoS attack vectors (i.e.: spend more money with them to not solve the problem).

Reason #4: Microservice Architecture Is Growing

The trend of architecting applications using microservices have been gaining huge momentum since 2014. Google trends shows the growth in microservice interest near the end of 2014.

Microservice architecture approaches software design by building and deploying a single microservice, or a small number of related microservices, in isolation. Microservices are then integrated to compose applications that can withstand outages.

As apps grow in microservice count, they require more and more independent apps to be provisioned on the PaaS provider. Unless the microservice is small enough to operate under the smallest plan, the cost for scaling each microservice begins to grow quicky.

Reason #5: The Move To Containerization Using Docker

Containers enable physical and virtual servers to isolate processes with their own filesystem and the resources they require to operate. They are smaller than a virtual machine, as they do not include a full operating system. Containers are the primary reason that the microservice architecture has been on the rise, as this Google trends graph shows.

Containers are being combined with microservices to deploy tens, hundreds, or even thousands of microservice instances. This is creating a new generation of cloud computing that allows for a build-your-own-PaaS scenario.

The result: Public PaaS Is Becoming Private PaaS

With the shift in software architecture moving to containers and microservices, and the need for highly-available and secure applications that scale, public PaaS vendors are becoming more of a hobbyist playground. This is causing PaaS vendors to be squeezed - some likeCloudBees are being squeezed out, while others such as Heroku are slowing innovation on their public PaaS. Many are finding better traction in solving private PaaS solutions, asHeroku and PivotalCF demonstrate.

