

广纳英才的 电子科技大学 2023-01-21


Junior faculty members have flourished at UESTC, with many of them winning important grants, such as the NSFC version of CAREER AWARD, and achieving important research milestones that make to national headlines. We sincerely invite you to consider joining UESTC for an exciting career path with endless possibilities!


Check out the testament of Prof. Xia Chuan, whose group has achieved a significant scientific breakthrough (synthesizing glucose and fatty acids from carbon dioxide), which has made to the 2022 List of Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs in China. Find out why he chose UESTC and how UESTC has contributed to his early-career success.


Notice: This video was recorded in October 2021.


1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神;

2. 出生日期在1983年1月1日(含)以后

3. 具有博士学位;

4. 研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术、管理科学等(详细附后);

5. 在取得博士学位后至2023年3月15日前,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求;

6. 取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力;

7. 申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者2022年1月1日以后回国(来华)工作。获资助通知后须辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于3年。


Application Requirements

● The applicant in principle should have publications in top journals of the related field;

● The applicant should have made well-recognized achievements and have the potential to be a leader of the field in the near future;

● The applicant should be born on or after 1/1/1983;

● The applicant should have a doctorate degree with research areas in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Management Science, etc.;

● The applicant should hold a formal research position in an accredited research university/institution or industry lab, and have held such position for at least 36 consecutive months since conferring of Ph.D. degree by 3/15/2023. Exception may be granted for exceptional candidates;

● The applicant should hold no full-time position in Mainland of China prior to 1/1/2022;

● Once the grant/position is awarded, the applicant is expected to work full time at UESTC for at least 3 years, or the offer will be revoked/terminated.


1. 科研经费200-600万(含国家支持),直接聘为教授(事业编制),授予博导资格并优先保证研究生指标定向支持,优先支持招收博士后;提供办公、实验场地;

2. 优先支持申报各级各类人才计划或项目,入选“蓉漂计划”最高可获得300万资助。

Research Supports

● An overhead-waived research grant of 2-6 MM CNY, including both NSFC award and university start-up;

● Up to 3 MM CNY start-up in extra if approved for Chengdu's City Talent Program;

● Appointment of full professorship;

● Doctoral supervisor-ship with yearly graduate student quota, and support for postdoc recruitment;

● Space for work and experiment.


1. 基础年薪60万+住房公积金和社保学校缴纳部分10万+高水平成果奖励(上不封顶);

2. 安家费180-220万(含国家地方支持)+一年免费周转公寓(拎包入住)+归国旅费补贴;

3. 享受配偶安置、养老/医疗、子女择校等方面的特殊支持政策;

4. 提供国内一流医院专家级体检及其他相关高水平医疗服务。

Relocation Supports

● An annual salary of 600k CNY, plus fringe benefits (such as social security) of 100k CNY/year, plus high-end paper award without limit;

● A relocation package of 1.8-2.2MM CNY (in addition to reimbursement of the relocation travel to UESTC), plus free furnished apartment for 1 year;

● Work offer for spouse, education arrangement for children, high-end healthcare plan for the entire family, along with other benefits.


NOTICE: Extra salary and startup fund available from UESTC Shenzhen Institute, School of Computer Science and Engineering, and select university-affiliated hospitals.


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编辑:新闻中心微视野工作室 侯瑞涛

