——美国作家 梭罗
WEN DESIGN 作为O's Villa私人豪宅软装设计担当,承袭新加坡【花园城市】属性,强调归心自然与生活品质的相融,从国际化、生态化视角重构人文艺术,实践以品质感共建真实的舒适与精神的愉悦,营造自然共生的现代化都市居住体验。
△MeyerHouse 来源于jessicasiow.com
Meyer House位于东海岸线独特的岛屿上,比邻1公顷森林公园,以花园洋房著称定位为“东部的Nassim”,分别由WOHA Architects与Yabu Pushelberg执笔建筑及室内设计,系新加坡首个每户配置独立私人电梯的高级公寓,落地至今斩获多项国际设计大奖。
Meyer House is located on a unique island along the East Coastline, and next to a one hectare forest park. Famous for its garden house and positioned as“Nassim of the East”, its architecture and interior design was completed by WOHA Architects and Yabu Pushelberg. It is the first service flat providing an independent, private elevator for each household in Singapore, and has won many international design awards since its construction.
这里四季如春,绿意环绕,琥珀色玻璃幕墙与原木百叶窗交错排列,打造“出则繁华,入则自然”的居住环境,惬意间散发出自然塑造的隐逸之气。It is a place where spring remains eternal, surrounded by greenery combined with the pastoral. The amber glass curtain wall and staggered log shutters coverage in perfect symmetry. The designers created a dwelling environment of “prosperity outside and nature inside”, in an effort to obscure the physical proximity between zen and nature. It’s a hermit atmosphere converted into a cozy space.
The living room is connected to the outdoor balcony and switching between an area of social interaction to one of solitude at ones discretion. Also includes a wood veneer that brings the space together. In tandem with lush, fur seats, luxury and comfort are highlighted resulting in a zen-like atmosphere.
△艺术画来源于日本Kei Suzuki 铃木圭之作
Utlizing an infusion of colors and furnishings designed from an artistic perspective result in a contemporary, detailed space rich in interlaced texture. The arrangement of each detail tells a novel story which manifests in extreme warmth, elegance and luxury.Michelangelo once said, “The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of white marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image. The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.” The artistry of this space echoes sentiments of Michelangelo’s sentiments utilizing an amalgam of texture and pattern; one that silently chants delicacy with a modern restraint, comforting inhabitants through a diversified, artistic vision...
艺术的普适价值,在于回归生活的温度,设计将圈层人文气质寓于沉着理智中的肌理表达,汲取自然流露的纹理,肆意扬洒于沙发蔓延至地毯,于空间渲染精致典雅而不失大宅风范的空间气质,传递出自然塑造的隐逸。The universal value of art lies in a return to the implicit conditions of life. The rendering of a serene expression of texture that draws on nature’s design; a rational expression of texture, drawing on the natural flow of texture, unabashedly dispersed on the sofa spreading to the carpet, renders the space delicate and elegant without losing scale, conveying an organic construction of hidden escape.
The open layout integrates nature within an interior space, bringing greenery into the interior space. The result of which stimulates vitality and energy in the space. In turn, an atmosphere comfort and relaxation explore the relationship between man and living environments. It should be a natural flow existent of true emotion.A rich, marble tabletop and crystal chandeliers circle the ceiling like a natural halo to enhance spatial flexibility with decorative art forms. Aesthetic interest integrated into the daily life creates an elegant and everlasting sense of space.
精心设计的家具呼应空间的艺术属性,在光影的作用下形成自然的边界划分,强调着材质与图案纹样的精彩碰撞,在空间中散发轻盈而不失厚度的人文气息,塑造深邃宁静的空间调性。The well-designed furniture echoes artistic attributes of space while also forming a natural division through the use of of light and shadow. Convergence between texture and design pattern is emphasized to create a light but profound humanistic atmosphere across the space, to create one of depth and serenity.
△「懂鸟语的人」|赵淋 2018
这是一种惊异的、迷人的、又恐惧的情境,你懂得了鸟的语言,你因此多 了许多的乐趣,知道了许多不为人知的秘密。你因此又惊喜又惊恐。懂鸟 语的人,拥有不同常人的视角和讯息,也因此拥有不同常人的烦恼。
简约且具秩序感的书柜充盈了空间层次,材质间的转换创造出丰富的视觉动态,在不同线条、色彩、材质的重组下,是设计审美对当代生活方式的洞察。扶梯婉转而下,进入生活空间,设计师在楼梯间的一侧做了开放式的书房,背后即是落地窗可眺望室外景观,绝佳的采光,让书房在一天中不同的时刻中呈现多元景象,劳逸结合之间亦是自在的舒适感。A minimalistic bookshelf has been added to enrich the dynamic vision created through blending between textures. The recombination of different lines, colors and textures indicates a knowledge of design aesthetics fit for a contemporary lifestyle. In the living space, an open space for study has been designed beside the staircase, with the window in the back, which overlooks the outdoor landscape. Hence, so that people can enjoy the study with different images during different moment of the day.
来自艺术家冉亚东的原创挂画,以写意的形式探索山水的解构与重组,画中色彩在澎湃与平静间转折,赋予空间洁净的纯粹环境,在视觉上产生平稳的过渡,加深书房所需的平和与宁静质感。Artists ran ya dong express his own understanding of landscape with freehand brushwork and unique emotion. outline their understanding of life from different lines and planes, vigorously expressed with a tenacious spirit of the pen.简洁的硬朗的直线条勾勒与原始石材的对冲,在裸露的肌理中凸显质感,让形归于简,与自然融合。在卧室的空间中融入身心疗愈的概念,色调延续自然底色,在沙发及布艺上选材多以轻柔触感,打造不费力的时尚与精致,夜幕低垂,绸缎细腻的质感在灯光下,反射出淡雅光泽,释放生活的疲惫。
The concept of mind healing is integrated into the bedroom . we selected soft material for the sofa and fabrics to create a pleasant, calming effect. When the night falls, the delicate texture of silk fabric reflects the light, releasing the fatigue of life under lamplight.
In the construction of the overall space, the texture of the space is enriched with details. An elegant pink has been applied to the furniture and wall space at varying degrees and textures. Verpan lamps from Denmark increases the sense of spatial art with mild light, appealing to the child in all of us. In addition, these lights offer a relaxing atmosphere for reading before sleep.
True wealth is spiritual freedom and inner peace. wen designs emphasize the harmony between humanity and nature; the blurring of internal and external so that life and nature are not divided into boundaries; simple tones create a essence of the minimalist environment. When complexity is removed, so the warmth and comfort of the home are able to flow naturally.
Location|Singapore Meyer houseDesign company|WEN DESIGNThe founder& Design director | Wen XueArt consultant|WEN DESIGN艺 术 家 |冉亚东、王文聃、 应麦可、胡乃澎、日本Kei Suzuki 铃木圭Artists|Ran Yadong, Wang Wentan, Ying Maike and Hu Naipeng家居品牌|KOODUU 、 Eisch 、北非手工陶罐、EVANS ATELIER、Vitra、Yalos、kartell、qeebooFurniture|KOODUU, Eisch, North African handmade pottery, EVANS ATELIER, Vitra, Yalos, kartell, qeebooPhotographyer|Yanming StudioBranding strategy | Re-build
WEN DESIGN 创始人/创意总监
WEN DESIGN 文陈设艺术设计由文雪(WEN)创立,致力于以国际化视野将多元国域文化共生互溶,创造“个性积极能量价值空间”,为客户提供陈设艺术设计、软装产品为一体的国际性创意服务。将独道的设计眼光,对人性的关怀,沉浸式多维度的体感,国际化的创造力浓缩到每一个陈设载体,带着同理心赋予空间更深层的感染力。WEN DESIGN founded by Wen, Wen Design has been committed to the coexistence and mutual integration of diverse national cultures from an international perspective, in order to create a “characteristic space that values positive energy”, and provide customers with international, creative services combining art furnishing design and decoration products. Comprising a unique design vision, an appreciation of humanity, immersive multi-dimensional conception and global creativity into each furnishing, let the space give out a deeper, empathetic atmosphere.
△深圳 720m² 顶级私宅, 隐居都市的时光秘境推荐阅读
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